Saturday, October 29, 2011

Results of Poll - Support for WL City Councillor Candidates

About a couple of weeks ago - I asked my readers' this question:


Before I give the results, it should be noted:

1) Results are in no way scientific, they are simply the results of those who chose to participate so results should be viewed as such

2) Web polls are the frequent target of abuse by supporters of a candidate so they should not be relied on as an effective tool for the actual pulse of where the general public is at in their voting decision for a candidate(s) for election

Accordingly, the results are as follows:

1) Paul Kandola - 204 votes or 47% of all votes cast
2) Mike Jacobsen - 157 votes or 36% of all votes cast
3) Mike Bouchard - 151 votes or 34% of all votes cast
4) Surinderpal Rathor - 137 votes or 31% of all votes cast
5) Richard Vollo - 136 votes or 31% of all votes cast
6) Steve Forseth - 133 votes or 30% of all votes cast
7) Laurie Walters - 106 votes or 24% of all votes cast
8) Sue Zacharias - 92 votes or 21% of all votes cast
9)  Geoff Bourdon - 85 votes or 19% of all votes cast
10) Ivan Bonnell - 68 votes or 15% of all votes cast
11) Danica Hughes - 59 votes or 13% of all votes cast
12) Gord Keener - 57 votes or 13% of all votes cast
13) Peter Bowman - 16 votes or 3% of all votes cast
14) Tenessa Fairburn - 12 votes or 2% of all votes cast

Additional Notes:

1) So far, very little advertising among the Councillor candidates.  Only Ivan Bonnell has put an ad in the paper with Mike Bouchard, Mike Jacobsen, Paul Kandola, Richard Vollo and Peter Bowman having signs up and Laurie Walters/Sue Zacharias have an ad in the Stew (local newspaper).  I hope to advertise personally very soon as soon as I have access to my campaign funds... With 3 weeks left - I imagine those who are serious will be advertising in the papers and getting their signs up... the last effective date to advertise in the papers will be Thursday, November 17th.  Also - a number of candidates (myself included) have election online presences (Facebook, Twitter or blogs).  Welcome to Williams Lake has a list of those online by going to "Candidate Social Media Links" and clicking here

However, on the Mayor's race, it seems very one sided with Scott Nelson doing lots of full page ads, signs and radio ads  Kerry Cook does have signs up, with a couple of ads in the papers and a sign at the Transit Exchange in front of Boitanio Park.  Walt Cobb has done ads in the papers with no signs up (that I've observed so far) and a transit sign ad at the former Transit Stop by the WL Public Library

2) With this poll now complete - I'll be watching to see if this poll is reflective of what happens on November 19th or not...but the people I've talked with so far indicate that the "No Parking on Boulevards" and the fees associated with registering your security alarm system will be key factors in their votes for WL Council candidates - both Councillors/Mayor, but there is about 3 weeks left so I imagine I'll hear about different issues as well.  But all candidates (except Sue Zacharias - away on family business.  Info courtesy of her Facebook election page - see here), I'm sure, will hear from the public with 2 Key All Candidate Forums this coming week - the one at the local Tourism Center (TDC) on Wednesday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm and the one at WL Seniors' Village from 7:00pm until (I imagine) 8:30pm

If you can - please make one or both of the All Candidates Forums and question the candidates on what their plans are (including me)


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