Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Should the City of WL practice caution with online Facebook videos...?

Very recently - the City of Williams Lake has "re-posted" two Facebook videos (one last week and one today) on current Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook discussing Partnerships.

Given the election next month (Nov 19th) - I think that the City could do itself a favour by temporarily ending this practice.  Failure to do so would, from my perspective, call into question the City's desire to remain neutral in both the Mayor's and Councillors' race.  A practice, until now, that they've upheld.

Note - the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) has also practiced caution, especially as it pertains to news releases and elected officials running for re-election.  The CRD now has in place an Election Policy which dictates how CRD Staff/CRD Directors' interact with each other during the defined Election Period


1 comment:

  1. If Brian Carruthers was an ethical leader he would have steered Kerry Cook from using the City of William's Lakes resources to run her campaign (be it openly or subversively).
    He manages the City and its resources and should stand up for all the candidates not just those currently in office. He may think "if it aint broke don't fix it" but all candidates should have an opportunity to display videos etc.
    Shame on you Kerry and mostly importantly shame on you City Manager!! Do what the RD and other communities are doing
