Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WL Council Highlights - October 18th meeting

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors’ Barr, Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Anne Burill – Manager of Social Development
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung – IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of October 4th, 2011 WL Council meeting adopted


1) Warren Brown appeared before Council to give an update on Crime Stats
2) Bob Brown (HealthLink BC Chief Operating Officer) appeared before Council to give an update about Heathlink BC
3) Talia Baptiste appeared before Council to discuss Junior Council activities
4) Anna Dell (Miss Canada International) appeared before Council to discuss her recent activities


1) Council received for information the 3rd Quarter Economic Indicators Report
2) Council received the notice of the Voter Recruitment Campaign for the upcoming Municipal Election and encouraged the public to participate in the 2011 local government elections.
3) Council provided a letter to the Business Improvement Area of British Columbia regarding the positive relationship between the City of Williams Lake and WLCBIA
4) Council gave permission for the WLCBIA to conduct the Winter Lights Christmas Magic Light Up Event and Santa Clause Parade on November 18, 2011 and that use of the entire Spirit Square and parking lots from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm be permitted
5) Council approved entering into a Community Transit Partnership agreement with the Williams Lake Indian Band to provide transit service to Sugar Cane at an annual cost of $25,796
6) Council authorized Staff to enter into a 5 year fuel supply contract with the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Staff were further authorized to purchase an aviation fuel bowser for the Williams Lake Airport at an approximate cost of $165,000 (Cdn, including taxes and handling), with the funds to be allocated from the Airport Reserve Account.
7) Council adopted Bylaws #2147 – 2150, 2011
8) Council adopted 4 Recommendations from Committee of the Whole, as follows:

a) Council endorsed the Community Plan for a Public System of Integrated Early Care and Learning
b) Council received the draft Cultural Opportunities Plan of Action and Staff were directed to move forward with the activities outlined in the plan's Strategic Directions document
c) Council approved the 2012-2016 financial plan timetable – Councillor Rathor opposed
d) Council approved the new Snow & Ice Control Policy

9) Council approved the appointments to the Business Expansion & Attraction Strategy Task Force, as follows:

a) Tracy Gard, Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce
b) Sheila Mortensen, Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area
c) Ray Sanders, Thompson Rivers University, Williams Lake Campus
d) Glen Holling, Real Estate
e) Ross MacLean, Gibraltar Mines
f) Councillor Geoff Bourdon, City of Williams Lake
g) Mayor Kerry Cook, City of Williams Lake

Councillor Rathor opposed

10) Late Item - Council approved Development Variance Permit #08-2011 from Brian & Rita Sowden, Risto & Susan Kurkiniemi and Rudolph & Cathie Durfeld requesting to vary section 302.3 of the City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 to reduce the exterior lot line setback from 3.0 m (9.84 ft) for the existing cabin only in order to facilitate the registration of a lake access pursuant to section 75 of the Land Title Act as a condition of a proposed subdivision of the subject property; and further, that issuance of the development variance permit be deferred and issued upon the adoption of Williams Lake Zoning Amendment No. 2099, 2009.

11) Council received for information its’ Council Information Package, as follows:

September 19, 2011 - Letter from UBC re "UBC in Your Community"
October 4, 2011 - Thank you letter from Union of BC Municipalities
October 12, 2011 - Letter from Barkerville Historic Town re First Honourary Patron
October 14, 2011 - Email from New Pathways to Gold Society & Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association re Marketing of Gold Rush/Spirit Trail Brand

Councillor Rathor then asked a question re: when City stopped putting fluoride in the City’s water system. The CAO clarified the history on this.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm

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