Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WL News - Oct 18th edition

In the Tribune:

a) WL Councillor candidates explain their reasons for running - see Paul Kandola here and Danica Hughes here
b) SD #27 Zone 5 Trustee Jim Ritchie explains his reasons for running - see here
c) All Candidates Forum for SD #27 Trustee candidates on Monday, Oct 24th at 7:00pm - TRU - see more here
d) Diana French - If you're on a slate - say so! - see more here
e) Local dentist pleads with voters' to retain placing fluoride in the City's water system - see here
f) Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society is conducting a stakeholder survey as follows:

The CCACS has now been working for a whole year. As we think about the future, we would very much appreciate your help in telling us how much you know about our work, how useful it has been for you and what we might do better in the future. Eventually we want to develop a vision for arts and culture in the Central Cariboo that properly reflects what's important to the arts and culture community and that speaks to the interests of the taxpayers who support that community.

Please will you help us by filling out our survey by November 21, 2011 at 5pm

Fill out the CCACS survey here

Meanwhile in 100 Mile House:

a) Local family in 100 Mile not happy to lose animals because of bylaw complaint when a simple "neighbour" to "neighbour" chat could have resulted in the animals remaining - see here

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