Thursday, October 13, 2011

WL News...Oct 13th edition

1) Richard Vollo runs for WL Council  - see here and here
2) Local teachers say - Local issues require local decision making - see here
3) WL Mayor Kerry Cook clarifies intent of False Alarm Bylaw - see here

Editor's Note - curious as to why Mayor Cook felt the need to remove the alarm keyholder requirement without it returning to WL Council for a formal decision, as it was part of the False Alarm Bylaw passed on Nov 23rd, 2010. Just asking...

4) Kerry Cook kicks off her re-election bid last Thursday with her supporters - see here
5) Now, Tribune columnist (and local musician) Dean Fulton says the alarm registration fees are a "cash grab" - see here
6) Local resident Micheal Atwood (and Kerry Cook supporter) argues why Scott Nelson should not be Mayor of Williams Lake once again - see here

Meanwhile, in Quesnel:

1) Mary Sjostrom says: Bring On the Quesnel Mayor's Race...but keep it clean - see here
2) On Tuesday, Oct 4th - Quesnel and Community Economic Development announced that it had won the Economic Development Association of Canada marketing award for best interactive media - see more details here


A review of the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) October 6th minutes indicates that Williams Lake Mayor/CRD Director Kerry Cook was absent from this meeting.  While this is not unusual - the fact that she and both of the City's 2 Alternate Directors' - Sue Zacharias/Surinderpal Rathor was unusual, given the CRD Board meeting was in Williams Lake.  This, in spite of the fact Mayor Cook did say at the Sept 15th CRD Committee of  the Whole that the CRD Board Agenda needed to change in order to accomodate her schedule.  Note - her fellow Mayors' (Mary Sjostrom from Quesnel, Jay Vermette from Wells, and Mitch Campsall from 100 Mile House) were in attendance for this meeting

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