Monday, November 14, 2011

2nd All Candidates Forum - City of WL Councillor candidates

Candidates present: Ivan Bonnell, Geoff Bourdon, Peter Bowman, Mike Bouchard, Steve Forseth, Danica Hughes, Mike Jacobsen, Paul Kandola, Gord Keener, Surinderpal Rathor, Richard Vollo, Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias

Candidate absent:  Tenessa Fairburn

Other Candidates present: Jackie Austin (SD #27 - Zone 4), Dr. Sheila Boehm (SD #27 - Zone 5), Walt Cobb (WL Mayor candidate), Kerry Cook (WL Mayor candidate) and Scott Nelson (WL Mayor candidate)

Public in attendance: Roughly 50

Forum started at 7:03pm
Ross McCoubrey (Moderator) gave opening remarks including the format to be followed for this forum

An Question/Answer period ensued with candidates giving 1 minute answers to the following questions:

1) I am concerned that small towns like WL are losing their individual character and vibrant locally owned business opportunities because of impossible competition from trans national corporations and distantly controlled franchises. Who do you see being the future owners of local businesses and how can city council encourage and support young local entrepreneurs?

2) What are your top 2 priorities for maintaining the environmental quality (water quality, pesticide use, green space…) for Williams Lake residents into the future and what would be some of the actions that you would propose to move ahead on these priorities?

3) Do you have ideas on how the City of Williams Lake can assist School District #27 in providing a quality education to our local students?

4) Declare if you are a business partner with either a mayoralty or councillor candidate and further state how you will act independent on Williams Lake City Council?

5) What is your opinion on small business owners have a vote, even if the property is owned by a corporation?

6) What is your position on an aquatic centre? And where should it be located?

Forum adjourned at 8:45pm

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