Thursday, November 17, 2011

CRD Finance/Budget Committee Meeting #2 (2012 Budget)

Although not at the meeting today, the Cariboo Regional District's Finance/Budget Committee Meeting was held today at 3:00pm and the following recommendations were set to be considered (these will be adopted at the CRD Board Inaugural Meeting on Friday, December 9th) and I want to bring these to your attention:

a)That the agenda item summary from Graham Barbour, Chief Building Official and Manager Responsible for Bylaw Enforcement, dated November 8th, 2011, regarding increased resources for the Bylaw Enforcement Function, be received. Further, that the Board endorse the recommendation to create an additional position in the Bylaw Enforcement Function. See Agenda Item here

b) That the agenda item summary dated November 8th, 2011, from Janis Bell, Chief Administrative Officer, and Scott Reid, Chief Financial Officer, regarding the proposed 2012 five year financial plan, be received. Further, that the financial plan be approved in principle for presentation at the town hall meetings. 

That feasibility reserve funds in the amount of $15,000 be allocated for works associated with the establishment of a new consolidated Williams Lake fringe area fire protection service.

That resolution No. 07-05A-19(1) to undertake a forest planning policy be rescinded and removed from the Level 3 Corporate Priorities

See Agenda Item for above Recommendations here

c) That the agenda item summary from Janis Bell, Chief Administrative Officer, dated November 15, 2011, regarding a proposed amendment to the Electoral Area F Economic Development function, be received. Further, that an additional $25,000 be requisitioned for the Electoral Area F Economic Development function to support the following goal:

Goal: To develop a framework to allow the communities of Big Lake, Miocene and Horsefly to benefit from the proposed Community Forest to be located surrounding the communities.

Strategy: Work with the City of Williams Lake and the Williams Lake Indian Band to ensure that the communities have a meaningful voice in management decisions that best support, preserve and enhance the communities within the influence of the Community Forest proposal.

Rationale: Community forests offer an economic benefit, a portion of which should flow to those communities most closely linked to the forest land base. In addition to the economic benefit, there are many management decisions that will need to be addressed to protect community viewscapes, recreational attributes and other community values and priorities.

See Agenda Item for above Recommendation here

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