Thursday, November 10, 2011

Local election candidates respond to Station House Gallery Questions (Updated)

Previously - the Station House Gallery Board asked the following two questions:

1. Do you support the re-location of the Station House building? Please explain.

2. Please describe how you will support Arts and Culture in our community/district if you if you are elected.

The following candidates responded:

1) WL Mayor - Walt Cobb, Kerry Cook and Scott Nelson

2) WL Councillor - Ivan Bonnell, Peter Bowman, Steve Forseth, Danica Hughes, Mike Jacobsen, Paul Kandola, Surinderpal Rathor, Richard Vollo, Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias.  Editor's Note - Station House Gallery has apologized to Mike Bouchard to not giving him an opportunity to respond

3) CRD Candidates - only Bill Carruthers (Area 'E')

Read the Mayoral Candidate responses here
Read the WL Councillor and Cariboo Regional District Candidate responses here

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