Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Message from Oleh Lazarchuk - Candidate for Zone 5 Trustee, School District #27

I am running for school board trustee in Zone 5 because I would like to be involved in providing the best education available in Canada for each and every student in School District 27. The schools in zone 5 are Wildwood, Chilcotin Road, Kwaleen, Glendale, Mountview and Dog Creek. Zone 5 also includes Fox mountain and the Commodore Crescent area. The children living in those areas use attend Marie Sharpe, Nesika and Cataline .

No child left behind! Our children and grand children need to be educated in a positive environment that gives them all the tools and skills necessary to compete in the global work place and do exceptionally well in our post secondary/trades institutions. We need work experience for secondary students, and more before/after school programs. I have a business background, understand budgets, and have the desire, time, and commitment to help make this happen.

The top 3 issues:

1. Financial: The ongoing challenge of meeting the needs of all our students in our rural and municipal communities with the allocated provincial funding available.

2. Recognizing the importance of the rural schools and the fact that they are the hearts of their communities and balancing their needs with that of urban schools.

3. To assess and create programs directly addressing the unique needs of students by taking into account socio-economic and cultural back grounds as well as recognizing the diverse needs of developmentally challenged, exceptional, distance, and home school students.

This may include enhancing English as a Second Language program and/or promoting a greater understanding of cultural diversities. Of equal importance is to increase aid to those working to meet the needs of the, developmentally challenged student population. I truly believe that by working together (teachers, parents, community leaders, school board trustees, and all governments) we can find a way to implement programs that ensure each child can reach their individual optimum performance.

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