Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 28th meeting

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Land stability agreement closer

A massive $4.71 million work plan for the West Quesnel Land Stability Program is closer after Council approved the City entering a contribution agreement with the provincial government. The agreement is required for the City to access the grant funding it received through the Building Canada Program. The City had to complete a stringent environmental approval process before the agreement could be put in place. Now that environmental approvals are in place, the City can finalize the funding agreement and its work plan. Once the agreement has been signed by both parties, the City will begin a public information campaign, including a special newsletter and Open House, notifying residents of the next steps.

City thanks departing Councillors

Councillors Peter Couldwell, Ron Paull and Coralee Oakes were thanked for their commitment to local government, with each receiving a plaque of appreciation from the Mayor, Council and the City. Coun. Couldwell is wrapping up 21 years of service. Coun. Paull was a three-term member of Council, with Coun. Oakes serving two terms.

Other news

The City will apply for a $20,000 Age Friendly and Community Planning grant. The grant will support the City working towards a number of goals related to awareness and construction of accessible and age-friendly housing.

Council approved increasing indemnities for 2012 by 2.4 per cent. Council's policy is to increase its pay by the percentage increase to the BC Consumer Price Index, measured at the end of September. Council's pay will be $1,211.39 per month ($14,536.68 annually), with the Mayor receiving $3,530.75 per month ($42,369 annually). All figures are before taxes and deductions. The increase adds about $3,060 total to the City's budget. - Editor's Note: Councillor Sushil Thapar was opposed, see more details here

This year, $684,015 was budgeted for snow removal, but due to high snowfall levels in early 2011, that budget has been depleted, with the City spending $735,462 to date. Council approved continuing with regular snow removal procedures, with the funds to come from either the 2011 surplus or accumulated surplus.

Council approved three appointments to the Quesnel Museum and Heritage Commission. Current members Ellen Affleck, Bruce Steele and Andy Motherwell were re-appointed for two-year terms. Sandra Moore, a new commissioner, will also serve a two-year term.

A tree in the West Fraser Timber Park will be dedicated in recognition of the work Dora McMillan has done to support improved air quality in Quesnel. McMillan was the long-time chair of the Quesnel Air Quality Roundtable and a tireless champion for that cause. The Roundtable will contribute the plaque, with the City setting aside one of the 60 trees that were planted in the park last year as part of the TD Green Streets Program.

Council approved its 2012 meeting schedule. Of note, the inaugural meeting for the new City Council takes place Dec. 5, with preliminary budget meetings set for Feb. 6 and 20. For the full schedule, visit www.quesnel.ca/Council-Meetings.html

Planning for the fourth annual Winter Carnival is underway. The event runs Feb. 4 at 1 p.m. at the West Fraser Timber Park. It includes skating on the pond, winter sports, tobogganing, dog sleds, a variety of educational booths and craft activities. Council approved the Quesnel Volunteer Fire Department setting off fireworks to close the event.

Special Council Meeting - November 14

Council approved staff submitting a joint application with the Cariboo Regional District to the Community Recreation Program for $7.5 million towards the North Cariboo Multi-Centre. The application deadline is Dec. 28.


November - Adoption Awareness Month

Important Dates

Nov. 29 - Heritage Speaker Series, 7 p.m., Council Chambers

Next Regular Council Meeting (Inaugural Meeting for the new City Council): Monday December 5 at 7 p.m.
Next Committee of the Whole / Delegation Meeting: Monday December 12 at 7 p.m.
Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting: Tuesday December 13 at 5:30 p.m

The above 3 meetings will be held in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St)

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