Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sue Zacharias - Missing in Action at All Candidate Forums...

As my readers' know - we have two All Candidates Forums on Wed/Thurs of this week for the Councillor Candidates.  Both are opportunities for the public to ask the 14 Williams Lake City Councillor candidates questions on issues that are on the minds of voters'

However - on Friday, October 28th - WL City Councillor Sue Zacharias, on her Facebook re-election page (see here), gave general public notice, that due to a "previous family engagement" that she would be unable to attend the All Candidates Forum for Nov 2nd & 3rd, given her personal belief that it is "family first over politics", but did say that she was looking forward to discussing the issues, via email (suez@shaw.ca) or on the doorstep

However - since this story came out, I have been approached by some who feel that Ms. Zacharias is attempting to avoid questioning at this week's All Candidates Forums including the question of how Ms. Zacharias avoided the thorny issue of the perceived conflict of interest involving her company (United Concrete) and the City over the concrete portions of the Mackenzie Avenue upgrade project, completed in 2010.

The next All Candidates Forum after this week is Monday, November 14th at TRU, starting at 7pm

Would skipping 2, if not, all 3 All Candidate Forums hurt Ms. Zacharias's re-election chances...? Too soon to say, but with a week before voters' begin the process to vote in the next Williams Lake City Council for the 2011-2014 Term, it is inconceivable to believe that missing two All Candidate Forums will not hinder her chances on Nov 19th to get re-elected.  Voters', in general, do frown upon candidates who skip All Candidate Forums, unless there is a real legitimate reason, like being sick enough not to attend or a death/emergency in the family that obligates a candidate to miss an All Candidate Forum(s)

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