Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Thank You to Williams Lake Voters...

In not an entire surprise - I was not successful in getting elected given there were 14 candidates for WL Council, but I do want to thank the 756 voters who placed their confidence in me which is an increase from 2005 (the first time I ran for WL Council) when I received 572 votes.

I respect the voters' decision and will continue to be involved on City or CRD Advisory Committees going forward and I will be a candidate in the 2014 Election which will be held on October 18th, 2014.  I have a fair sense of what voters' want and don't want in candidates and I hope to be able to practice this (discussing ideas without making it personal) over the next 3 years as we get to the 2014 Civic Election

See the the unofficial (and likely official) results for the City of WL Muncipal Election here

Finally - my uncle, Alan Forseth, has a blog post today that sums up nicely how I feel on the local election - see that blog post here


  1. Steve,
    I do not live in Williams Lake anymore but just wanted say that you should be proud of yourself.
    At every post you maintained your integrity even when confronted by immature attacks by all those anonymous posts.
    I hope for all the taxpayers sakes you keep posting as you and you alone have maintain the a voice of a different volume.
    I again am not in WL anymore but was there when Brian Carruthers yelled at you in front of others at City Hall...that is a man who does not deserve to walk in the shadow of a four year old. The fact that you never used your blog to attack him back speaks to your morals.
    Good luck in your future endeavours and for all of you who felt it necessary to stoop to the levels you did and personally attack Steve may you one day so reep what you have sewn.


  2. While I have to credit Steve for running I have to disagree with the previous poster on many points.
    I'm hopeful Steve will learn from this campaign and see that people are not interested in the kind of campaign we saw from Scott, and subsequently from Steve.
    Low brow, American style politics do not fly and your constant negativity is a huge turn-off for a huge majority of voters. While you may not perceive it, or even mean it, as negativity I assure you most others do.
    The day you accept you have a TON to learn and start offering useful solutions to problems rather than just criticizing others with half-facts is the day you might actially start gaining some respect. The manner in which you write some of your blogs and some of the uninformed "insight" you "try" to give from time to time just kills any respect you may have gained from other blogs which are pretty good and well informed.
    Sitting on committees and second guessing everything done by hard working community members is a sure fire way to stay unelected.
    On your last note I have seen Steve use his blog to attack Mr. Carruthers many, many times. I've had interactions with Mr. Carruthers on many occasions and I find him to be a very personable and professional man, as do many, many others I know in the community. Is he perfect? No.
    I've now asked and now know the content of the conversation of which you purport that Mr. Carruthers "yelled" at Steve and I'd say he was absolutely within his right to confront Steve with what was a completely classless, clueless and completely mis-informed blog he had written.
    The blog in question attacked City Staff, who had been working 18+ hour shifts for weeks dealing with the wild-fire situation last summer, because they did not find time to update the public on a small road cosntruction project that at worst would have meant people had to detour one whole block!! Let's see....get ready for a city-wide evacuation and possible save thousands of lives and hundreds of millions in property OR as Steve suggested take that time to write a road cosntruction update??!!
    A perfect example of the majority of flaws with Steve's blogs....writing without knowing all the FACTS.

  3. wow if anyone could solidify it through technology I bet it wouldn't be hard to figure out that this email was written by Brian Carruthers or someone in his family lol.

    Sad so very sad.
    Oh and I am pretty sure the communication stopped coming at least three weeks before the forest fires and it was not about Carruther's message it was the fact that he "lost it in public". So not classy!!! He may be smart and he may speak well but he is neither personably nor professional and as much as there are people who thinkshe is there are many people who think the contrary but are afraid to say anything as he comes across as volatile.
    For the record, Steve nor the first blogger never cut Carruthers down bloggers did and Steve has a practise of posting all blogs, most often to his own detriment. So this last blogger (BC) you were so wrong in your rebuttle (sp) and I find it hilarious pathetic but hilarious.

  4. I am fairly sure that Mr. Carruthers, has far better things to do with his time than to re-name himself 'Jim' and pat himself on the back.

    Jim's points were well-made. Steve certainly does attack Carruthers on this blog. It is done in a somewhat sneaky manner, that not everyone picks up on, but it sure happens.

    And I agree that Steve hopefully learned what happens when you hang onto the coattails of a crew of candidates that were so obviously in it for themselves that the community rose up and said 'no'. In fact, I would say that Nelson shot himself in the foot by bringing those guys into the race. Everyone I talk to is happy and proud that the citizens voted resoundingly to support the candidates who care about our community not their own investments. Those guys would have (hopefully had to) excuse themselves over and over because of conflicts of interest. How can a council be run in that manner? It can't.

    Yay Wiliams Lake !
