Saturday, November 19, 2011

Unofficial Results - 2011 City of WL Local General Election

Mayor - Kerry Cook (1777 votes)
Councillors - Laurie Walters (2296), Surinderpal Rathor (2022), Sue Zacharias (2004), Ivan Bonnell (1742), Geoff Bourdon (1501) and Danica Hughes (1156)

SD #27 Zone 6 - Dr. Doug Neufeld (2057)

Fluoride Referendum Question - Yes (970) & No (2,453)

Note - Above Results official on Wednesday, Nov 23rd at 4:00pm


  1. Good news all around congratulations to the winners!

  2. aww...Scott & his posse didn't make it in??

    looks like an excellent group to lead our city for the next 3 years!

  3. WL has rejected the Scott Slate. Despite all the attack ads, the negativity, and the vote buying, the good guys won. Let that be a lesson to those who think the people are interested in electing slumlords and those who want to line their own pockets.

  4. Scott got spanked! His political career is over!

  5. Wonder how it feels to drop thousands of dollars on advertising just to be overwhelmingly rejected by the voters?

  6. I guess making outrageous promises and spending thousands on advertising isn't enough to fool the people.

  7. What does it say when Steve here got more votes than Kandola? That people don't want the Scott slate?

  8. Seems people like results more than hype

  9. All of you should grow up, the only candidate that did not have a "slate" was Walt Cobb.

    Cook maybe the right person for the job but she also spent hundreds of dollars indirectly on the campaign...only it came out of City Hall.

    I am not a voice for Scott and in fact voted for Kerry, I am just sick of the lies and ignorance some of you bloggers are posting. I can not wait to get out of this community...this election process left such a bad taste in my mouth.
