Monday, December 12, 2011

Battle of City of WL vs Wayne Kidd continues...

Earlier this year - the former Senior Bylaw Officer ( Brad McRae) asked the last WL Council to start proceedings against local resident Wayne Kidd, based on complaints received.  View his report to WL Council at its' January 25th, 2011 meeting here

Now, on Tuesday, November 29th, 2011 - Wayne Kidd appeared before Council, in Committee of the Whole, and alleged the following occurred by the City: (see here)

1) Harassment of his residence
2) City of Williams Lake breaking the law (Mr. Kidd's own words')
3) Removal of Wayne Kidd's property
4) Non-Recognition of his Storage Compound

Mr. Kidd has requested WL Council to:

1) Reverse Invoice for removal of vehicles
2) Compensate for damaged fence and landscaping
3) Issue a Letter of Apology to Mr. Kidd and his neighbours for harassment

No word yet on what WL Council's formal response to Mr. Kidd's request is... except in discussing this matter with Geoff Goodall in late October (GM of Planning and Operations), he states that his Department has tried to be fair as possible with Mr. Kidd, but in this case, I have to side with the City.

The City, in my opinion,  has been more than fair with Mr. Kidd but when your efforts results in Mr. Kidd yelling profanities at City Staff... then proceeding with enforcement of a legitimate Remedial Action Resolution is City Staff's only choice and as I've said before, if you want to have a Storage Compound... then that's no problem but only in appropriate places in the City.

One of those places is not on Pigeon Avenue which has primarily Single Family Residential or R-1 Homes...



  1. Mental illness takes many forms.

  2. This property is an eye sore and I would not want to be his neighbor. This is the perfect example of why bylaws are written. Too many bylaws are written just to never be enforced.

  3. Too bad the city lost the only bylaw officer that ever tried to enforce the bylaws. You ever find out why he left?

  4. Thank you all for your comments...

    Anonymous at 9:35am:

    I understand Brad McRae left as he was offered same type of work (Bylaw Enforcement) for better pay in the City of North Vancouver and I don't fault Mr. McRae for looking out for his family as he has a young daughter.

  5. Guess that speaks to the Citys inability to retain good effective employees.

  6. Should have just buldozed the whole bloody eyesore. Poor neighbors and their property values, not that they are much to begin with but still....
