Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Message from Canada's Prime Minister

Courtesy of Rt. Hon Stephen Harper - Prime Minister of Canada:

“Christmas is a time to gather with family and friends, and to look back with gratitude, and to look forward with hope.

“In spite of continued global instability, Canada’s economy has performed well, compared to other countries. And our country is more confident and more united than ever.

“Our Government will keep working hard to create jobs and growth. And we will keep promoting the things that unite us as Canadians. This holiday season let us remember those who are less fortunate. Let us honour our men and women in uniform. And let us give thanks for our great country, Canada.

“From Laureen, Ben, Rachel and me, to your family, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and all the best for the holiday season and for the year to come.”

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