Monday, December 12, 2011

CRD Board Highlights - Inaugural Dec 9th Meeting

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Oath of Office & Invocation

Today’s Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors meeting started with Judge Marguerite Church who administered the Oath of Office to all 12 Electoral Area and four member municipal Directors. The invocation portion of the ceremony was conducted by Pastor Miles Faulkner.

CRD Chair and Vice-Chair Elected

The CRD’s Area G Director Al Richmond, and Area A Director Ted Armstrong were re-elected during today’s meeting as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively. This marks the fourth consecutive term as Chair and Vice-Chair for Richmond and Armstrong. A full list of the 2011-2014 CRD Board of Directors is available online at

Provisional Budgets Headed to Town Hall Meetings

The Cariboo Regional Hospital District (CRHD), the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) and the Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) 2012 provisional Budgets and Business Plans were endorsed by the Board. The budgets and business plans will now be presented to residents for feedback and input through the 2012 Town Hall meetings taking place throughout the region between January 11 and February 1, 2012. The information gathered during those sessions will be taken into consideration by the Board before the final budget is endorsed in March, 2012. Watch the newspapers and mail for information about your local meeting, or visit us online ( next week for a complete listing of the 2012 Town Hall meeting schedule.

Update from Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson

Independent MLA Bob Simpson from Cariboo North appeared before the Board to provide an update regarding his recent activities and projects. Simpson focused on watershed issues, the Rural Resource Road Act and support of the invasive plant management strategies throughout the province.

Drinking Water Week 2012

The Cariboo Regional District declared May 13-19, 2012 as Drinking Water Week throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin. Organized by British Columbia Water and Waste Association, Drinking Water Week is a public outreach campaign specifically dedicated to raising community awareness about BC’s water supply. Further information about the program is available online at

Barkerville Heritage Trust

The CRD will be supporting the Barkerville Heritage Trust and its 150th anniversary by incorporating the June 2012 CRD Board on the Road event as part of the celebrations. The Heritage Trust is hoping to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Cariboo Gold Rush by working together with communities along the Cariboo Wagon Road to grow the collective profile and encourage the tourism industry. Further information about the Barkerville Heritage Trust is available online at or by calling 1-888-994-3332.

Support for the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce

The Cariboo Regional District endorsed a recommendation from the South Cariboo Rural Directors’ Caucus regarding financial support for the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce. The South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce requested financial assistance for the development and promotion of a new website. A total of $2,500 will be allocated from the South Cariboo Economic Development budget for the project.

CRD Accessible Trails Program

The Regional District Board reviewed information about the continuation of the CRD’s Accessible Trails program as part of its application to the BC Community Recreation (BCCR) Program. A total of 14 trail sites are planned throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin. Each site is in partnership with a local community organization committed to managing the project and the on-going maintenance of the site. A full listing of the proposed sites is available online at under Recreation.

Happy Holidays

The Board of Directors and staff of the Cariboo Regional District wish residents of the Cariboo Chilcotin best wishes for a happy and safe holiday season and a prosperous 2012. The CRD offices will be closed from December 26 through to January 2, 2012. Our offices will re-open on January 3, 2012.

Next CRD Board Meeting

Friday, January 20, 2012

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