Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Inaugural Meeting - School District #27 for 2011-14 Term

At last night's meeting - all 7 School District #27 Trustees (Will Van Osch, Tanya Guenther, Patricia Baker, Jackie Austin, Sheila Boehm, Doug Neufeld and Joyce Cooper) were sworn in for the 2011-2014 term by School District (SD) #27 Secretary-Treasurer Bonnie Roller

After the swearing-in ceremony - a drumming ceremony took place being led by Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Area 'J' Director-elect Roger William (he'll be sworn in Friday at the CRD Board Inaugural Meeting) and Tsi Deldel (Alexis Creek) Chief Percy Guichon with Canada's National Anthem being sung by all present after the drumming ceremony

The new Board of Education (SD #27) then recessed to a closed meeting to select a new Chair/Vice-Chair plus reps to the BC School Trustees Association and BC Public School Employers' Association

When the Board reconvened in public - it was announced that, as I predicted, Zone 1 Trustee William Van Osch was named as SD #27 Board Chair with Zone 3 Trustee Patricia Baker being selected as SD #27 Board Vice-Chair

The Board then agreed to the following:

1) Receipt of the report of the official election results for the 2011 Trustee Election
2) The Banking Resolution authorizing two of the School District's Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer along with the Board Chair to sign cheques, on behalf of the School District
3) Receipt of the Superintendent's Report on Student Achievement for 2011-2012, as per Section 22 (b)(i) of the School Act

Next Board of Education (SD #27) Meeting: January 10th, 2012 at 7:00pm

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