Friday, December 16, 2011

Local 2012 Budget Discussions...

Although a little early yet to discuss 2012 Budgets - some local governments are already discussing the subject: (Note - Inflation, at last word, was 2.9%)

Wells and 100 Mile House - No word yet...

Quesnel - Early indication - to maintain a "status quo" budget means a potential 3.5% tax hike in Quesnel taxpayers' - see more details here.  Public consultation is set to commence on Feb 27th and the City of Quesnel Operations' Budget is set to be posted on the City of Quesnel website (see here) by Jan 30th, 2012.  2012 Budget/Tax Rates to be passed by May 14th, 2012

Williams Lake - Under a previous 5 Year (2012-2016) budgeting plan passed (with Councillor SPS Rathor opposed), City Staff were directed to begin planning for the 2012-2016 5 Year Financial Plan which called for tax hikes of 2-3% during 2012-2016 inclusive.  WL Council was previously set to receive a briefing on a draft 2012 Budget by the end of December.  WL Council is likely to work on this draft in January/February 2012 with public consultation likely to occur by the end of March 2012

Cariboo Regional District -  Board approved-in-principle the 2012-2016 5 Yr Plan which calls for a region wide tax increase of 2.4%.  You can view the line by line budget here.  Public Consultation on this budget will be the subject of the 16 Town Hall Meetings that the Cariboo Regional District conducts starting in January and wrapping up in early February.  It should be noted that not all regional taxpayers' are subject to the full 2.4% tax hike.  How much of the 2.4% tax hike in 2012 you pay depends on where you live...

But please take an interest in your local government's budget planning process as their decisions will hit your pocketbook in the form of higher property taxes.

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