Friday, December 30, 2011

My Top 3 Federal Political Stories of 2011

The federal political scene was busy in 2011 but my top 3 picks for federal political stories in 2011 are:

1) Stephen Harper gets majority gov't and the NDP becomes the Official Opposition
2) Jack Layton passes away
3) Andrew Scheer becomes the youngest Speaker of the House of Commons

On #1:

Since Stephen Harper became Prime Minister in 2006 - it was well known that he desired a majority government and after receiving minority governments in 2008 and 2010, Canadians handed him the majority government he so desperately wanted.  Not only does he have a 10 seat majority in the House of Commons, he also has a majority in the Senate with a number of Senator seats to be filled in 2012, thus increasing the Conservative majority in the Senate.  So far, since the May election, we've seen the Harper majority gov't use its' legislative majority muscle on a number of bills including the Safer Communities Act (C-10), the Wheat Board Act (C-18), and the Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act (C-13)

Meanwhile - the NDP, by electing 103 MP's, became the Official Opposition, and crushing the Bloc Quebecois to 4 seats from its' previous 47 at dissolution of the 40th Parliament (March 26th, 2011). The NDP also handed the Federal Liberals their worst electoral performance to date ever with only 34 MP's elected, down from 77 at dissolution of the 40th Parliament of Canada (March 26th, 2011)

On #2:

In a story that touched all Canadians, regardless of their political affiliation, Jack Layton of the Federal NDP passed away on August 22nd, 2011 from an undisclosed form of cancer.  Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered a Federal State Funeral to the Layton Family which they accepted.  As of today - the Federal NDP and Liberals are undergoing Leadership races which should be concluded by 2013 (2012 for the NDP) which should leave the new Leaders plenty of time to get warmed up for the 42nd Federal General Election scheduled for October of 2015

On #3:

In not a surprise here - the 40th House of Commons Deputy Speaker Andrew Scheer (Regina-Qu'Apelle) became the 41st House of Commons Speaker and at the young age of 32, became the youngest Speaker in Canadian history.  He defeated candidates like Denise Savoie (NDP - Victoria) to get the post.  He is 4th in line in the Canadian list of Precedence.  Only the Speaker of the Senate (Hon. Noel Kinsella), the Chief Justice of Canada (Rt. Hon. Beverly McLachlin), the Prime Minister of Canada (Rt Hon. Stephen Harper) and the Governor-General (Rt Hon. David Johnston) are ahead of the Hon. Andrew Scheer

Looking ahead to 2012 - we'll see the election of a new Leader of the Federal NDP, the repeal of the Gun Registry and passage of the 2012 Federal Budget  and I'm sure other issues that are sure to dominate the federal political scene

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