Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Reminder: Winter Garbage/Recycling Collection

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City would like to remind residents that their garbage/recycling containers need to be placed at the curb in the same manner during the winter the rest of the year. The containers must sit as close as possible to the driving surface of the street and cannot be placed on top of any snow bank or windrow caused by the snowplow.

It will be the responsibility of the resident to shovel the snow away from the spot where they normally place their containers and to ensure there are no piles of snow in front of the containers. Containers must not be moved further out into the street.

As in the past, the City will continue to clean the streets when it is snowing and the plow trucks will be paying special attention to the areas where the garbage/recycling containers will be on the street. They will be avoiding the containers with the blades of the truck as well as the snow that comes off the blades. When City crews need to use trucks to remove snow they will do so on days when there is no garbage collection.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact Joe Engelberts, Manager of Water & Waste at (250) 392-1785. Thank you for your support and patience during these winter months!

For more information please contact:

Joe Engelberts
The City of Williams Lake
Ph: 250-392-1785
Email: jengelberts@williamslake.ca

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