Monday, December 12, 2011

Standing Votes in Kamloops Council Chambers...

In an intriguing proposal -- newly elected Kamloops Councillor Donovan Cavers is proposing at tomorrow's (Dec 13th) Kamloops Council meeting the following:


WHEREAS We need regular exercise to keep our brains exercised during a meeting;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the raising of hands be replaced with rising (Standing Votes)

If the above motion passes, then it'll be the first time, to the best of my knowledge, that Standing Votes will be used to vote at City Council or Regional District Board meetings.  It should be noted, that in BC, that only Vancouver Council members' are required to stand while speaking but not to vote.

My guess -- the motion will fail although it is likely to get support from fellow Kamloops Councillor Arjun Singh


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