Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012 Budget Meeting #1 - City of WL

On Wednesday at 6pm in WL Council Chambers... 450 Mart Street
Williams Lake Council will begin its' 2012 Budget Development Process

See the budget information package here

The Agenda will be as follows, for this meeting:

a) Introductory to Municipal Funds
b) Five Year Financial Plan
c) Property Taxation & Rates
d) Current Status of Debt
e) Challenges and Opportunities

I want to say that I am disappointed that Williams Lake Council has elected to have this meeting at 6pm and not 7pm.  Had the meeting been at 7pm - probably the public turnout would have been better.  Moreover - Council should build in a period of public input at the very beginning of its' budget meetings to allow Williams Lake Council to hear any public concerns of the 2012 Budget and 2012-2016 5 Year Financial Plan prior to beginning its' 2012 Budget deliberations at each of its' meetings'.  This is used successfully by Prince George Council for its' budget deliberations and there is no reason why it can't be tried here


The public budget document outlines the following:

Debt - As of December 31st, 2011 - All long term debt obligations by the City of Williams Lake stood at $18,045,420 which consists of principal payments of $961,045 and interest payments of $873,164 for total debt payments per year of $1,834,209.  Debt scheduled to be retired in the next few years (2014/2015) includes the garbage/recycling carts, the Cameron Street reconstruction project (Short-term Borrowing), the North End Water System upgrade (2013), Phase 1 of the Sewer Lagoon Upgrade (2015).  The remainder of the City's debt (General, Water or Sewer) is not scheduled to be retired until the next two decades (2020 or 2030).  The City also reports that, based on 2010 revenues, we may borrow up to $40 million should the need arise.

We may need to do so this term, given the urgency to move the Woodland Drive water/sewer upgrade project forward, but keep in mind that long term debt is one part of the total financing puzzle to finance this project which could include the receiving of a grant for this project from Ottawa/Victoria and establishing a "Local Area Tax" for the affected residents' and Woodland Drive residents' paying the usual connection fees to the City's water/sewer systems.

Also - this doesn't take in account any future borrowing in relation to the Sam Ketcham Memorial Pool (borrowing occurs under the Cariboo Regional District "tab" but City residents' would be responsible for any recreation long-term debt along with people in specific portions of CRD Areas D, E and F) and what the public wishes to do... including doing nothing with the pool/CMRC or replacing the entire Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex with a brand new Recreation Complex...

Priorities - Staff report that Council priorities as follows:

a) Community Safety Strategy– continued funding of operational support positions at RCMP
b) OCP – Planning Division resources to implement OCP and ICSP
c) Develop Capital Infrastructure Plan – Pavement Management – continued investment in repaving program
d) Service Delivery Review – Pursue most efficient and cost saving measures in delivery of municipal services
e) Parks, Trails and Outdoor Recreation Master Plan – implementation of priority
recommendations including development of a potential Dog Park in Williams Lake

Fee for Service - Fee for Services as follows:

Funded through CRD Recreation & Leisure Services Function

Boys & Girls Club of Williams Lake & District - $15,000 in 2011 & $15,000 in 2012
Scout Island Nature Centre - $0 in 2011 and $12,500 in 2012

Funded through CRD Arts & Culture Function

Station House Studio & Gallery Society - $4,500 in 2011 and $4,500  in 2012
Stampede Parade Committee - $5,000 in 2011 and $5,000 in 2012
WL Harvest Fair - $2,500 in 2011 and $2,500 in 2012
WL Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin - $36,000 in 2011 and $36,000
WL BIA ‐ Winter Lights * $0 in 2011 and $3,500 in 2012
WL BIA ‐ Street Party * $0 in 2011 and $5,000 in 2012
WL Indoor Rodeo Assoc. * $0 in 2011 and $2,000 in 2012

* Previously funded through City Grant In Aid 

Funded by City of Williams Lake

Williams Lake Stampede Association (Queens) $5,000 for 2011/12
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake - $15,000 for 2011/12
Cariboo Chilcotin Hospice Palliative Care Society - $16,900 for 2011/12
Scout Island Nature Centre - $12,500 for 2011/12
Youth For Christ - $5,000 for 2011/12
Williams Lake Stampede Association - $25,000 for 2011/12

Other Service Agreements

Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Water) - $38,400 for 2011/12
Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Solid Waste) - $24,500 for 2011/12
Tourism Discovery Centre - $148,100 in 2011 and $155,000 in 2012
Community Policing Committee - $15,000 for 2011/12

Editor's Note - Though Scout Island is getting $12,500 more for their activities, it is not the roughly $40,000 increase they've asked for 2010/11... and I think that there is an argument to be made to increase spending for them by $27,500 by either cost sharing additional monies with the Cariboo Regional District, the City of Williams Lake alone or reallocating monies from exisiting Fee for Service contracts like the Tourism Discovery Centre by making it totally ("self-sufficient in next 5 years, for example) or just increase the additional monies requested by Scout Island, as I haven't heard them say yet that they'll need additional monies above/beyond the $40,000 they've requested...

Additional issues to be raised with Council at this meeting include:

a) Infrastructure Management (Roads, Sewer/Water)
b) Equipment Reserve - Resume regular payments into Equipment Reserve Fund or consider leasing from Municipal Finance Authority (MFA).  Given pressure on household budgets - Council might want to ask Staff the difference between Equipment Reserve Fund payments and payments to MFA for equipment needs

c) Greenhouse Gases/Carbon Tax -In 2012, it is anticipated that municipalities will be required to become carbon neutral. This will mean that municipalities will have to balance their GHG emissions by purchasing carbon off‐sets. 2012 and beyond - it is important that the City take every opportunity to reduce its carbon emissions, thus reducing the amount of off‐sets that have to be purchased. The City will also explore opportunities for generating carbon credits through the implementation of ‘green’ initiatives such as the proposed tree nursery (at WL Regional Airport) and district heating system (ie - downtown or down by North-End Industrial  Area - Co-Gen Plant, West Fraser (Plywood/Lumber) and Tolko - Soda Creek)

If you have time on Wednesday evening from 6pm to 8-9pm - I strongly encourage City residents' to come to this meeting and observe Williams Lake Council begin its' 2012 Budget deliberations...


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