Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Budget Meeting #2 - WL Council

Present: Mayor Cook (Chair) with Councillors I. Bonnell, G. Bourdon, D. Hughes, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning and Operations
Pat Higgins - Director of Finance
Kevin Goldfuss - Director of Municipal Services
Geoff Paynton - Director of Community Services
Alan Madrigga - Manager of Economic Development
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung - IT Manager

Others Present:

Media (2) - Greg Fry (Rush/Wolf) & Monica Yorski-Lamb (WL Tribune)
Public - 6

Meeting called to order at 6:02pm


1) Fees and Charges

Motion by Councillor Zacharias, seconded by Councillor Bourdon:

That Council request a comprehensive review of City Fees/Charges including comparisons from similiar communities
                                                            CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

2) Gov't Transfers

A general discussion ensued thereon

Motion by Councillor Bonnell, seconded by Councillor Rathor

That Council review the Development Cost Reserve in 2012

                                                      Carried with Councillor Bourdon opposed

Motion by Councillor Zacharias, seconded by Councillor Bourdon:

That $400,000 policy be maintained in General Surplus Reserve & Staff be requested to create a "Capital Reserve" and Staff come forward with scenarios, based on discussions by Council

                                                                                CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

3) Utilities

Motion by Councillor Bourdon, seconded by Councillor Bonnell:

That Council review utilities rates  with Staff to report back to Council

                                                                                CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


1) Debt

Motion by Councillor Bourdon, seconded by Councillor Walters:

That Staff be requested to bring forward "Debt Borrowing" Policy

                                                                  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

2) Service Levels

Motion by Councillor Walters, seconded by Councillor Bourdon:

That current service levels be maintained

                                                                CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

3) Capital - Council had discussed this earlier in the evening

Legislative Budget:

Motion by Councillor Rathor, seconded by Councillor Bonnell:

That Council Renumeration (Pay) be maintained at current levels

The Chair calling the question, the above motion was approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook & Councillors Bonnell, Hughes and Rathor (4)
Negative - Councillors Bourdon, Walters and Zacharias (3)

General discussion ensued thereon in the Legislative Budget....

Motion by Councillor Bourdon, seconded by Councillor Bonnell:

That this meeting now adjourn at 8:45pm

                                                 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Editor's Note - Wednesday, I'll give my own take on this meeting including why Council should be ashamed as to how this meeting was conducted including skipping the "Public Input" portion of the meeting...

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