Wednesday, January 11, 2012

City of WL/BIA sign MOU...

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

At the regular meeting of Council Tuesday evening, the City and the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area signed a memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU provides a framework for the BIA and the City to work together on projects and initiatives that achieve the respective goals and objectives of both parties and reflects a cooperative spirit between the parties.

The MOU outlines the parties’ interests in the downtown area and provides guidelines and processes for the parties to work cooperatively and support their respective goals and efforts. Highlights include the development of annual objectives, processes for member consultation, regularly scheduled meetings, and cooperation on parking and community events.

 “The City, the WLCBIA, and the entire community have a stake in a vibrant, welcoming, and active downtown,” says Councillor Geoff Bourdon, chair of the General Governance Committee. 

“This Memorandum of Understanding is a framework to help meet our objectives by working together closely for the benefit of the downtown.”

“I’m ecstatic to be working with the City as we work to revitalize the downtown,” says WLBIA President Sheila Mortensen. “The MOU gives us a structure to meet on a regular basis and to improve communication.”
WLCBIA President Sheila Mortensen (left) with City of WL Mayor Kerry Cook (right) signing the MOU

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