Friday, January 27, 2012

CRD Supports Nazko Economic Development Plan

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

During the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board of Director’s meeting last Friday (Jan 20th), the Board agreed to provide support to the Nazko First Nations three-phase power system and their proposed Economic Development Plan for the Nazko area. The proposed plan would open up a westward gateway that would trigger significant economic development potential for the region through Nazko and into Quesnel.

The first resolution will provide Nazko with support to develop a three phase power system which will enable other components to the Economic Development Plan. The Regional District resolved to provide lobbying support in collaboration with the Nazko First Nation. Through this resolution CRD Chair Al Richmond and staff are authorized to travel for the purpose of lobbying the appropriate provincial ministers to aide in moving this project forward.

We are pleased to have the support of the CRD for this important initiative”, said Chief Delores Alec. “Extending three-phase power to the Nazko Valley is key to an economic development plan that will benefit our community, the City of Quesnel and the entire region”.

The second resolution passed during the meeting addresses the CRD’s support for the Nazko First Nation and their Economic Development Plan. Nazko is endeavouring to work collaboratively with all levels of government and private industry in order to develop a strong, sustainable regional economy.

The Cariboo Regional District is looking forward to working in collaboration with Chief Delores and the Nazko First Nation to help develop a sustainable economic future for all residents of the region,” says CRD Chair Al Richmond. “We look forward to lobbying with the Nazko First Nation and Quesnel to bring these projects to fruition.”

Further information about the Nazko Economic Development Plan is available by calling 250-992-9085. Information about the Cariboo Regional District is available online at or by calling 250-392-3351 or toll free at 1-800-665-1636.

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