This past Friday - I reported that the City of Williams Lake will not get a grant to put in Water/Sewer for the 49 residents of Woodland Drive - see that blog post here
Earlier today - Martin Sills, spokesperson for the 49 Woodland Drive residents said the following re: rejection of grant for Woodland Drive water/sewer:
“because we on Woodland have done due diligence in terms of trying to supply our own water, trying to conserve wherever possible. I’ve installed a three thousand dollar reservoir system, and I can see by that system that I’ve got on average 30 to 40 gallons a day coming into this house which needless to say is impossible to try to survive on"
Once the City determines why its' grant for water/sewer for Woodland Dr failed - then the City should go "all-out" to get this grant because residents' should have basic water/sewer services...
Maybe Martin should sell his sports car and dig a new well....