Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday AM News - Jan 16th edition

In Provincial Political Matters:

Fight HST suggested, in a blog post Sunday, that BC Finance Minister/Deputy Premier Kevin Falcon stalled for 19 days discussions around how to revert back from HST to GST/PST - read that blog post here.  However, in reading their blog post, it seems they are making a "mountain out of a molehill" here... everyone has a busy schedule and I'm confident Kevin Falcon is not intentionally trying to stall the return to the HST but trying to comply with the HST Referendum of last August while trying to figure out with Ottawa how to go back to a "two- based" tax system (GST/PST) as it hasn't been done before - only Saskatchewan came close but only because it hadn't fully implemented a harmonized sales tax with Ottawa at the time before Roy Romanow's NDP government took over from the then-Conservative Saskatchewan government

Bob Simpson (Ind. MLA for Cariboo-North) reports, on his website, that the Bio-Economy Committee final report has been released - read that report here.  The Committee members were MLA Simpson and MLA's John Yap (Parliamentary Sec for Clean Tech. to Minister of Energy/Mines), Ron Cantelon (Parksville-Qualicum), John Rustad (Nechako Lakes) and Eric Foster (Vernon-Monashee)

The Committee has recommended the following:

1) Establish a clear, long-term bio-economy vision.
2) Improve access to fibre and feedstock.
3) Establish a technology development strategy.
4) Develop markets for BC bioproducts and aggressively market BC’s advantages.
5) Integrate the bio-economy’s infrastructure needs into provincial initiatives.

In the meantime, MLA Bob Simpson wants to hear from you on this report.  He requests that you read it and then email him with your thoughts - email Bob here

Finally - over on my Uncle's (Alan Forseth - also a BC Conservative supporter) Facebook page - he reports the following (in part):

Chuck Strahl says, "the B.C. Conservative Party is riddled with “cranky ... angry” people who have no credible policies to govern the province."

While I don't necessarily share the opinion of Mr. Strahl when it comes to the BC Conservative Party - I have stated that I don't agree with some of the BC Conservative Party policies and because some of their policies (allow police (AKA RCMP) to directly lay charges, stance on First Nations and natural resources)cause me serious concerns about their ability to govern BC (you can read their policies for yourself here and yes, I did read their policies for myself) that I'll be renewing my membership with the BC Liberal Party but I do have respect for those in the BC Conservative Party who legitimately and honestly believe that their Party is ready to govern and I'm ready to do political battle with them in 2012 and 2013... as we get closer to the 2013 BC General Election

Local Political Matters:

a) Last December - I sent a letter to all member of Williams Lake City Council regarding possible changes to the City's Advisory Planning Commission (APC) to improve its' relationship to Williams Lake Council - read that letter here.  In the meantime, I received the following email from WL Councillor Ivan Bonnell this past Saturday as follows: (Note - Councillor Bonnell is the only one so far to respond to my letter so far as I've yet to hear from his colleagues... so I thank him publicly for doing so)

Hi Steve
Just read your letter to Council regarding amendments to APC bylaw. Given your experience, do you think the city should continue to have an APC?

I've responded that the City should, in my estimation, continue to have an APC, although it is WL Council's call as to whether or not the APC should continue as that question hasn't faced a Williams Lake City Council since 1999 when that Council of the day made amendments to the APC Bylaw of the day.  It is my view that the City's APC Process should mirror that of the Cariboo Regional District (APC should be engaged prior to a planning application going to the local government as that is when the APC does its' best work and takes advantage of why an APC exists in the first place).  I also believe the City should work with the Cariboo Regional District to permit its APC members to take advantage of APC member training when that occurs in March which, I hope, includes "Roles/Responsibility" training for APC Members' so they know what the role of an APC member is and how local gov't planning staff can assist in that role and that of the elected official(s).  Meanwhile - recently elected Kelowna Mayor Walter Gray is seriously toying with the idea of dissolving the APC of the City of Kelowna - read more here.

For the record - it would be a major step backwards for WL City Hall if it elected to dissolve the Advisory Planning Commission in my experience.  APC Members' play a huge role in land use planning and that role should continue with slight changes, which I've suggested to WL Council, to make their (APC) role that much better

b) CRD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren reviews the two funds that she can access to improve affairs in one's Electoral Area.  Read here

c) Last week - with the announcement that Victoria would restore the Arts/Culture, Sports and Environmental groups access to the Community Gaming Grants Fund - CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley stated the following, on her Facebook page (in part):

I was referring to the exclusion of all local governments from eligibility to apply for gaming grants

Director Sorley poses a very good question - should local governments be permitted to apply to Community Gaming Grants vs non-profits? I would suggest that the answer is No but given the amount of natural resources and the money from those in Rural BC - that a seperate capital fund focused for Regional Districts' only would be warranted... given the challenges of Regional Districts' assisting local fire departments' who have no affiliation with the local Regional District ... but the time to start this conversation has come...

And speaking of funds - Leah Selk, Coordinator for the local Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society reports the following via Facebook:

Due to the frigid temperatures today - If you are submitting for a grant and, given the circumstances, absolutely cannot make it in to the Arts Centre to drop off your grant application, I will accept your grant via email providing you call me immediately to confirm receipt.

Stay warm and drive safe!

‎(And that would have to be a scanned copy, as we will still need the grant signed with original signatures)

Finally - Environment Canada reports the following for Williams Lake:

Cariboo - south including Williams Lake.

Wind chill warning in effect.

Today (Monday) ..Mainly cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries. Wind
becoming northwest 20 km/h late this morning. Temperature steady
near minus 23. Cold wind chill minus 34. Risk of frostbite.
Tonight..Mainly cloudy with 60 percent chance of flurries. Wind
northwest 20 km/h. Low minus 30. Extreme wind chill minus 42.
Frostbite in minutes.
Tuesday..A mix of sun and cloud. Wind northwest 20 km/h becoming
light in the evening. High minus 26. Extreme wind chill minus 43.
Frostbite in minutes.

If you absolutely must go out today or the next few days - please bundle up and stay warm or even better, just stay home if you can... :)

Have a great day!


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