Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Play BC Finance Minister for a day...

Today, BC Finance Minister/Deputy Premier Kevin Falcon announced 2012 BC Budget consultations.  See the website here

Meanwhile - watch a YouTube video (runs 1 minute) from the Hon. Kevin Falcon explaining what he hopes you will do to provide him with necessary information to develop the 2012 BC Budget:

While, as my uncle/BC Conservative Regional Director Alan Forseth points out, you can not review/set individual expenditures/programs by ministry, you can elect to recommend that ministry spending increase/decrease by a certain amount (2,4,6,8 or 10%) and increase/decrease individual taxes (corporate, personal, etc) by 2,4,6,8,10 (increase) or 2,4,6,8 (reduce) or completely eliminate that individual tax - see here

Regardless of your political stripe (as Integrity BC says) -  take part in this exercise as Minister Falcon may make use of your commentary...

Meanwhile, in other provincial gov't news:

a) Literacy Folks in Cariboo-Chilcotin got a funding boost of $117,229 - read more here
b) Kevin Falcon also announces the formation of a panel to advise on BC's Tax Competitiveness and will report back by August 31st, 2012 - read more details here

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