Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quesnel Council Highlights - Jan 16th meeting

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Climate Action report reviewed

Council received the City's Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program's public report for 2011. The report lists a number of the City's sustainability initiatives and is one of the requirements that allows the City to be reimbursed for the carbon tax it pays annually. Some of the highlights for 2011 include:

Identifying Sustainability in all Planning as a 2011 Council strategic goal.
Completing three kilometres of pedestrian trails.
Completing a leak inspection survey of selected City water lines and repairing leaks, and video inspection of selected City sewer lines.
Planting 71 trees in West Fraser Timber Park.
Extending transit to a new multi-family area.
Adding a solar-powered trash compactor at Spirit Square.
Updating the City's Water Conservation Strategy.
Partnering with BC Hydro to promote energy efficiency retrofit programs in commercial buildings.
Ongoing efforts by the City staff-led "our Team" to actively promote workplace sustainability initiatives.
Working towards developing a transportation Master Plan.
Updating the community recycling guide.

Newsletter information reviewed

Council received a City news release announcing that a special edition of the Q-City News has been sent to all City properties, as well as out-of-town property owners. The newsletter outlines the 2012 work plan and is available in hard copy at City Hall or online at www.quesnel.ca/WQLS/html

Relay drawing nearer

Charlene Lawrence, Quesnel's coordinator for the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary relay, wrote a letter to Council updating them regarding plans to date. The relay arrives on Thursday March 22 and will wind its way through the community before the final leg up Reid Street at around 3:45 p.m. to the Spirit Square, where a community celebration will take place. As a result, the 300 block of Reid Street will be closed to traffic from 1 p.m. to approximately 6 p.m.
Quesnel's Final Community Participant is Grade 11 student Landon McGauley. McGauley suffered a spinal cord injury in a mountain biking accident. He is a difference maker, providing presentations to younger students on the importance of positive thinking, determination, goal setting and hard work.

Other news

Council received a joint news release from the Cariboo Regional District and the City announcing the hiring of a coordinator for the North Cariboo Multi-Centre fundraising initiative. Wylie Bystedt (the co-ordinator for the very successful 2010 Winter Games Torch Relay event in Quesnel, and the fundraising coordinator for the North Cariboo Community Campus) will work with the fundraising committee to finalize its plan and prepare for an exciting campaign kick-off.

The South Hills Area Neighbourhood Association wrote a letter to Council requesting that the City:

Initiate a cost/feasibility study of providing water and/or sewer services to un-serviced City properties.
Consider South Hills park development.

Both items were referred to the Budget 2012 and Council Strategic planning sessions.

Mike McGee the Executive Director for Nazko First Nation, was appointed by Council to the "our Quesnel" Sustainability Task Force.

Important Dates

January 21 - Ag & Hort Leap - A conference for agriculture and horticulture businesses, organizations and individuals.
North Cariboo Community Campus (by McDonalds) from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

January 31 - Air Quality Advisory Committee meeting - Quesnel Council Chambers from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

February 1 - Cariboo Regional District Town Hall meeting - Quesnel Council Chambers at 7p.m.

Next Regular Council Meeting: Monday January 30 at 7 p.m.
Next Delegation/Committee of the Whole Meeting: Monday March 5 at 7 p.m.
Next Budget 2012 Meeting: Monday Feb. 6 at 6 p.m.
Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting: Tuesday February 14, 5:30 p.m.

Above four meetings take place in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St, Quesnel)

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