Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sawmill Explosion near Burns Lake

Late Friday evening - Babine Forest Product's sawmill exploded with, at last word, 19 people injured and still two people missing and unaccounted for

Watch the Global BC video below:

Meanwhile - Lakes District News (local newspaper) has a updated story on this item here.  In addition - the majority owner of Babine Forest Products, Hampton Affliate CEO Steve Zika joined a press conference with Burns Lake Mayor Luke Strimbold, Staff Sgt Grant MacDonald of the local (Burns Lake) RCMP Detachment, Jim McBride of the local (Burns Lake) Fire Department, Bill Miller, Area B Director from the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako and Burns Lake Band Chief Albert Gerow to discuss the latest on this situation which you can read here

Finally - BC Premier Christy Clark issued the following statement:

“Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been injured and with their families. I join all British Columbians in praying for their speedy recovery.

“There has been a remarkable response from across the region. I want to thank all the emergency responders, health officials and local officials for the incredible job done under very difficult circumstances.

“As officials remain on the scene, I want (Burns Lake) Mayor Luke Strimbold and the entire community to know they have the full support of government as they go through this very difficult time.”

Editor's Note - This will be one of, if not, the biggest test for Burns Lake's young Mayor and I believe he will get the community to rally together.  Even tonight - Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom, on Facebook, noted that she was planning on talking with both Burns Lake Mayor Luke Strimbold and the North Central Local Gov't Association (NCLGA) next week to see how NCLGA and perhaps even the City of Quesnel can assist Burns Lake during this horrible time

In the meantime - my thoughts/prayer go out to the families impacted by this horrible event and hopefully the two individuals currently unaccounted for will be found and the Village of Burns Lake can find a positive way to move forward out of this tragedy...


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