Saturday, January 28, 2012

Upcoming Committee of the Whole Items (WL Council)

At Tuesday's Williams Lake Council Meeting at 5pm (Committee of the Whole):

a) Review 2011-12 RCMP Goals - see here
b) Submission of Resolutions to 2012 North Central Local Gov't Association (NCLGA) AGM in 100 Mile - see here

Meanwhile - the Cariboo Regional District Board will be submitting the following Resolutions to the 2012 NCLGA AGM:

1. Fencing of agricultural interface
2. Fencing adjacent highways
3. Prohibiting dangerous offenders from being released into small rural communities without resources for rehabiliation 
4. Protection of aquifer and all bodies of potable water (Provincial and Federal).

c) 2011 4th Quarter Report - see here

A number of projects were completed in 2011 and the following projects are projected to be done in 2012:

a) Community Branding Program - Jan to March 2012
b) Continue pursuit of a District Heating system for the downtown core - Decisions for moving forward - Jan to March 2012
c) Collaborative implementation of key policies in the ICSP/OCP - Present Staff Report to Council in February
d) Develop a First nations language signage policy - 2012 Goal
e) Complete a affordable housing needs and demands study: Jan - March 2012
f) Social development strategy in 2012
g) Review Development Procedures Bylaw in 2012
h) Service Delivery Review for WL Fire Department: Jan-March 2012

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