Saturday, January 28, 2012

Upcoming School District #27 Business

On Tuesday - the Board of Education for School District #27 will be meeting and here are some of the items that they'll be considering:

Note - School District #27 will project electronically to the public the Board Agenda and the public will no longer be provided with paper copies.  Full Board Agenda here

a) Explanation of what a DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council) and PAC (Parent Advisory Council) does - see here.  Great to see this done so quickly for the 5 new SD #27 Trustees (Guenther - Zone 2, Austin - Zone 4, Boehm - Zone 5, Neufeld - Zone 6 and Cooper - Zone 7)

b) 2011-12 Amended Annual Budget Bylaw in the amount of $56,588,780 - see here
c) PAC Reimbursement (Playground Equipment) Capital Bylaw of $97,500 - see here

Note - Victoria had previously announced on Dec 7th, 2011 that School District #27 would be reimbursed for 4 Playground projects previously done with PAC money - see that press release here

d) A number of policies will be considered by the full School District #27 Board as the Policy Committee of the SD #27 Board has suspended meetings, due to the Teachers' Job Action:

i) Bus Fee for non-SD #27 Schools for 2012-13 School Yr - see here
ii) Transportation Assistance Rate - see here
iii) Boarding Assistance Rate - see here

iv) Tuition Rate for International Students - see here (Current tuition is $10,000 per student for full school year (Sept - June), $5,000 for half school year (Sept-Jan) and must be paid in advance and is not refundable)

v) School Fees for 2012-13 School Year - see here (Fees apply to Columneetza and Williams Lake Secondary, GROW, PSO Secondary in 100 Mile House and 100 Mile Jr Secondary

vi) Tuition Remuneration - see here (Note - current rates are $16,000 for Board Chair Will Van Osch, $13,500 for Vice-Chair Patti Bake and $12,500 for Trustees Tanya Guenther, Jackie Austin, Dr. Sheila Boehm, Dr. Doug Neufeld and Joyce Cooper).  If I were the School Board - it might  be good at least for now and let "sleeping dogs lie"

e) Review of recent "Closed" SD #27 Board Meetings - see here

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