Friday, February 24, 2012

BC Teachers' denounce "legislated contract" (Updated)

In response to George Abbott's announcement that a Bill(s) will be forthcoming to the BC Legislature to impose a contract on teachers' - BC Teachers' Federation President Susan Lambert called the forthcoming bills "bullying legislation" - see more from CBC-BC here

In addition -- BC Teachers' will be holding 'A Day of Action' on Monday - read more details from CBC here

The last time the BC Legislature imposed a contract on teachers' in 2005 -- the BCTF went on a 2 week strike and I think it is highly probable that they'll do so again when the BC Liberal controlled BC Legislature adopts a Bill(s) to impose a contract on BC's Teachers...

However - I am concerned about the language used by the BCTF yesterday.  With 'Pink Shirt Day' (Anti-Bullying) next Wednesday and given teachers' are "Leaders" in our school communities - I'm sure that they could have found other language to express their extreme disappointment of another contract imposed on them without making references to having 'bullying legislation' imposed on them

Finally - as has been noted - the BCTF conveniently forgot to note... all other BC Public Sector Unions' have a "me too" clause which means if teachers' got a pay hike then all other public sectors' would be up for similiar raises as well.  And as I noted yesterday - the economic circumstances do not permit us to give raises to all of our public sector workers (teachers' included) at this time but when/if economic circumstances permit it - I hope the government will be fair in paying fair wages/benefits to those working on behalf of the public...


Update (Feb 24th at 3:11pm) - Teachers in Williams Lake to hold 'information picket' before/after school at Marie Sharpe Elementary on Monday ... read here

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