Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Budget Meeting #2 - City of Quesnel

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Budget 2012 discussion continues

Quesnel City Council met for the second time on the 2012 budget to:

-Receive an operating budget update.
-Review the supplemental (new spending) project list.
-Review the 2012 capital project lists in detail.

Dollar figures or percentages referred to in Budget 2012 news are subject to change and should not be considered final until the budget process is complete.

Operating budget update

Council received an update regarding the 2012 operating budget.
During the last budget meeting, Council resolved to use new construction in the major industry class to reduce taxation to the major industry class only, in keeping with a policy adopted by Council as part of last year's Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw. A recent correction to the January roll received from the BC Assessment Authority, however, reduced the amount of new construction in the class to less than $500,000 (estimate) versus the $2.3 million on the January roll. As a result, the tax benefit of the new construction to the major industry class has been reduced to less than $12,000 (as opposed to $70,000).

Supplemental items approved

Subject to final budget ratification, Council approved a list of new spending items, often referred to as "supplementals." The following "ongoing" items were approved:

-Firefighter Position $50,000 (2012) $100,000
(This position was eliminated in 2011 on a trail basis)
-Security Software Monitoring $6,000
-Legal Fees $35,000
-Data Management System $6,100
-IT Contractor Support $10,000
-Carbon offsets $35,000

Total (2012 Budget, $50,000 used for firefighter) $142,100

The following "one-time" supplemental items were also added:

-RCMP Support $20,000
-Planning work for water/sewer $11,700
-Fireman's Spousal Support $1,250
-Volunteer Wage Replacement $2,500
-Staff training $15,000
-Confined Space/High Angle $2,600
-Council Training $7,500
-Administration Contingency $4,500
-Water fountain at skateboard park $7,500

Total $72,550

Approved 2012 supplemental items $214,650

Capital budget reviewed

The proposed 2012 Capital Budget is approximately $9.48 million. The largest project is the first phase of the West Quesnel Land Stability Program dewatering project at $4.51 million (two-thirds covered by grants). This budget includes: the General Capital budget; all items carried over from 2011 that were not completed; utility (water and sewer) projects; and projects funded through reserves (such as any Quesnel Works: Capital Reinvestment Program projects) and/or grants.

Currently, $860,000 per year is budgeted for General Capital projects. Staff prepared a list of projects and Council will determine which ones proceed. At this point, the list contains projects valued at about $1.1 million.

Department managers provided descriptions of each capital budget project for Council to consider. The projects deal with a wide range of City services, from improving City buildings such as the RCMP detachment, airport and City Hall, to computer software, trail and park improvements.

Staff rank each project to help Council evaluate them. Now Council will go through the projects and rank them from top to bottom. Those ranking are then averaged out and a revised budget list is created showing how many projects can be done within the existing budget.

Council will spend this week reviewing the projects and submitting their rankings to staff. Then, at the March 5 meeting, Council will discuss and vote on the capital budget items.

Next Budget meetings (meetings held in Quesnel Council Chambers)

February 27 at 7 p.m. - Public input session
March 5 at 7 p.m.- Capital Budget voting (after Council's delegation session)

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