Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Budget Meeting #3 - WL Council


Mayor Cook (Chair) with Councillors G. Bourdon, D. Hughes, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning and Operations
Pat Higgins - Director of Finance
Randy Isfeld - Director of Protective Services (WLFD Chief)
Kevin Goldfuss - Director of Municipal Services
Geoff Paynton - Director of Community Services
Alan Madrigga - Manager of Economic Development
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung - IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 7:20pm

The Director of Finance the status of the 2012 Budget/2012-2016 5 Yr Financial Plan via a Powerpoint presentation as follows:

* Goals/Principles - Maintain Service Levels & 2-3% tax hikes over 2012-2016 5 Year Financial Plan

* Challenges - Pavement Management Plan, Gibraltar Landfill Closure costs, Capital Plan (use cash rather than borrow money)

* Proposed 2012-2016 5 Year Financial Plan includes:

a) $700,000 surplus by 2016
b) $200,000 taxation in New Growth
c) $2.5 million in new Capital Reserve by 2016
d) Capital Plan with General Fund contribution of $500,000
e) 3% tax hike in 2012

* Revenues - $20,348,190 in 2011 with $19,869,590 in 2012
* Transfers to Reserves  - $2,905,960 in 2012
* Review of Summary - Operations Budget cuts in 2012 - Total equals $265,548.00 covering the General Gov't, Municipal, Development and Community Service Departments and the Fire Department.  See the actual list and turn to page 5 here

* Operational Costs - In 2011: $17,777,750 with $17,395,340 in 2012
* Council agreed to add the 3 Supplementary Budget Requests to the 2012 Budget as follows:

a) Electrical Box Wrap/Traffic Lights - $6,000
b) Paint/Lighting Upgrade to City Works Yard Mech Shop - $20,000
c) Business Attraction/Expansion Task Force Recommendations - $45,000

* City of WL's share for Fee-for Service - $84,400 includes $5,000 Fee-for-Service for Social Planning Council with total Fee-for-Service contracts in 2012 at $352,500 with this being $332,600 in 2011

* Review of Transfer to Reserve from 2012-2016

a) Capital in 2012 - $4,544,360
b) Debt Payment (Principal and Interest) in 2012 - $ 1,276,300
c) Transfer to Own Reserves - $879,360

* Review of 5 Year Capital Plan for 2012-2016
* Director of Finance P. Higgins noted that the proposed 5 Year Financial Plan does not include costs for negotiations for new collective agreement with IUOE.  1% hike in their collective agreement will cost (on a yearly basis) $53,000 per year.  A 1% hike in management pay (union excluded) will cost taxpayers' $19,000 (including benefits)

Upon question from Councillor Rathor - the Director of Finance stated that if Council wished to not raise taxes this year, Council will need to cut an additional $300,000 out of the 2012 Budget

A General Discussion by WL Council members' ensued on where the 2012 budget & 2012-2015 5 Year Financial Plan stood...

Next Steps by WL Council:

a) Receive the proposed 5 Year Financial Plan for information
b) Council to resolve if Transfers to Reserve are acceptable
c) Council to indicate to City Staff any further cost reductions
d) Council to indicate to City Staff any further expenditures that Council desires

Public Comment Period:

Mayor Cook opened the floor up to public attendees with the following speaking:

a) Elke Reiner - Thompson Rivers' University
b) Steve Forseth - comments on process including use of Facebook at the beginning of budget process to proactively engage public.  Consider use of "Imagine our Future" process to develop yearly City budgets'.  Also - move 'Public Comment' period to beginning of budget meeting, like City of Prince George, to ensure public comments can be used by Council in their budget discussions and not after

Meeting adjourned at 9:32pm

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