Wednesday, February 22, 2012

CC Joint Committee Highlights - Feb 22nd meeting

Present from City of Williams Lake: Mayor Cook (CCJC Co-Chair) and Councillors Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Present from CRD: Director J. Sorley (CCJC Co-Chair) and Directors Bischoff & Kemp

Staff Present:

J. Bell - CRD CAO
D. Campbell - CRD Manager of Community Services
B. Crowe - CRD Executive Assistant

B. Carruthers - City of WL CAO
G. Paynton - City of WL Director of Community Services
D. Radolla - City of WL Manager of Active Living

Meeting started at 5:03pm

Agenda approved with addition of Late Item - discussion on reconsideration of 2011 Grant-in-Aide application from Dry Grad Committee

Item B2 - Project/Operating Grants from Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Function

By Consensus - Joint Committee recommends to the CRD Board that Project/Operating Grants , as recommended by the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society, be approved

Minutes from the Jan 25th CCJC Meeting approved

Item B1 - CMRC Operations on Stat Holidays in 2012

The Manager of Active Living reviewed her report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus - CMRC operate on Stat Holidays in 2012, as was done in 2011 -

Councillor Danica Hughes opposed

Item B3 - Invitation to Bid for 2016 or 2018 BC Summer or Winter Games

The Director of Community Services reviewed this item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus - Item received

Item B4 - Pool Task Force Terms of Reference

The Director of Community Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus - That the Pool Task Force Terms of Reference, as proposed, be adopted

CRD Area 'D' Director D. Bischoff opposed

Item B5 - NDI Application for "Community Kitchen" at Xeni Gwet'in:

The Manager of Community Services reviewed this item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus - That the NDI Application, as proposed, be supported by the Joint Committee

Item B6 - 2 Reps from Junior Council on the Pool Task Force

The Director of Community Services reviewed this item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus - That two seats on the Pool Task Force be reserved for members of WL Junior Council

Item B7 - Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay Event Update

The Manager of Active Living and Councillor Rathor reviewed this item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus - Report of the Manager of Active Living received

Action Page

By Consensus - Action Page received

Late Item - Reconsideration of 2011 Grant-in-Aide application - Dry Grad Committee (as requested by City of WL Mayor Kerry Cook)

Mayor Cook reviewed this item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus - Staff requested to bring forward options to fund 2011 Dry Grad Committee's $5,845 Grant-in-Aide application to March 28th Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee meeting

Meeting adjourned to In-Camera Session, as per Section 90(1)(a) of the Community Charter relating to appointments

Editor's Notes:

1) Councillor Laurie Walters asked if CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff would explain her opposition to the adoption of the Pool Task Force Terms of Reference.  Director Bischoff refused.  As a rule - once the vote is taken, you move on to the next item and don't ask those voting in opposition to explain their no vote after the vote is taken.  Those who vote no to items are under no obligation to explain their vote.  Note - no one asked Councillor Danica Hughes to explain her opposition to the CMRC being open during Stat Holidays in 2012

2) I was shocked with the Late Item request from City of WL Mayor Kerry Cook for the Dry Grad Committee 2011 Grant-in-Aide request be reconsidered for a 2nd time.  This, after the Dry Grad application was rejected, as per the new Grant-in-Aide policy (that Mayor Cook herself agreed with) in late October 2011 and reconsidered at the Jan 25th, 2012 CC Joint Committee meeting and again was denied (Mayor Cook was absent at the Jan 25th CCJC Meeting).  

As CRD Area 'E' Director Byron Kemp noted, if policy stated that the Dry Grad Committee grant-in-aide application did not "pass muster" on Oct 26th - then let's stick with policy now. 

Mayor Cook, in defence, stated that she had received emails on the subject, a letter to the editor was submitted and was concerned about the perception that "local politicians do not support Dry Grad"

The real political danger here is others, who were denied grant-in-aide requests, will ask for similiar treatment and refusal to do so when land the politicians into considerable "hot water" because it'll seem they are "picking favorites".  In addition, when you rely on policy, especially well written policy (like the new Grant-in-Aide policy is), you either stand by policy, no matter how upset the public gets, or throw out policy and just fund everything and figure it out later

Councillors Walters/Rathor also agreed with Mayor Cook and her sentiments on this request.  Councillor Zacharias wanted to make the decision at tonight's CCJC however Director Sorley wanted to wait until Staff reported back on options.  The report on this item will be presented at the March 28th Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee meeting and a formal decision will be made at that time as the CRD Board must adopt its' budget on Friday, March 30th

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