Sunday, February 26, 2012

Christy Clark's First Year as Premier...

Around 6:30pm a year ago today - Many thousands of BC Liberal Party members' including myself took to online voting and through multiple rounds of voting selected Christy Clark to become Leader of the BC Liberal Party

Let's see her victory speech one year ago today:

She was then sworn in by the Province's Lieutenant-Governor - the Hon. Steven L. Point on Monday, March 14th, 2011 - see the story from CTV here.  She showed respect to her "opponents" by appointing them to key posts including appointing Kevin Falcon (who came 2nd in last year's BC Liberal Leadership Race) as Deputy Premier/Minister of Finance

Since then - she's been busy on trade mission, opening up the BC Government and other initiatives that was part of her election platform to become Leader of the BC Liberal Party

In the meantime - she reviews what she's done between Feb 26th, 2011 - Feb 26th, 2012 which you can read here

Finally - she does has some upcoming tasks, in my opinion, that'll need resolution..

a) Calling of By-Elections in Port Moody/Chilliwack
b) Pass legislation to impose a contract on teachers, as a result of a failure of negotiations between BC Teachers' Federation & BC Public School Employers' Association


c) My personal request -- hold a Town Hall Meeting here in Williams Lake in 2012 (she's held these in other places in the Province).  It would be good for her, the BC Liberal Party and the local MLA -- Donna Barnett (Cariboo-Chilcotin, BC Liberal) to discuss with local their issues, be it budget or other issues like (my personal request) bringing the operations of the BC Legislature including more use of Standing Committees to consider bills (both private members' and government) to allow members' of the public to have a more direct and proactive way to influence legislation which isn't allowed under the current rules in the Legislature when it is considering legislation from 1st Reading to Adoption

I, for one, look forward to her 2nd full year as Leader of the BC Liberals' and Premier of British Columbia


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