Friday, February 17, 2012

CRD Board Highlights - Feb 17th meeting

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

CCRHD Approves Capital Funding

The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) approved in principle the 2012/2013 fiscal year capital funding request from Interior Health in the amount of $476,000. This amount represents the CCRHD’s 40% share of the cost of two proposed projects for the Cariboo Memorial Hospital. The first project is the acquisition of a Mammography System for $400,000, while the second purchase would be a Nurse Call System for $76,000.

Feasibility Funds for Gateway Water System

The CRD Board authorized up to $3,000 of feasibility reserve funds to determine the conceptual plan and interest in a community water system for the Gateway community. The Gateway Water system, located in the south Cariboo, is a private water system which currently provides services to 20 homes.

Mountview Water & Sewer Funding Application

The Cariboo Regional District will be submitting a grant application to the General Strategic Priorities Fund for two thirds funding towards the provision of water and sewer services in the Mountview area of the central Cariboo. On December 13, 2011 the CRD received notice its grant application for $15.2 million to the Gas Tax General Strategic Priorities Fund last year was denied. A new round of grant funding under this program is now available under which the Regional District will submit this new application.

NDIT Funding Applications and Update

The CRD will be submitting applications to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) for three community based projects in the amount of $30,000 each. Applications will be for the development of six wheelchair accessible wilderness trails in the central Cariboo and four accessible trails in the south Cariboo. The Regional District will also submit an application to NDIT Regional Trust Account on behalf of the Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium and the Williams Lake Cycling Club to develop a mountain bike signature trail in Williams Lake and the surrounding area. Later in the meeting, Janine North, CEO, and Dean McKinley, Regional Manager, Economic Development, from NDIT provided the CRD with a brief overview of their 14 funding programs, their policies and administration of funds. Further information about NDIT is available online at

150 Mile Official Community Plan

The proposed 150 Mile House Official Community Plan (OCP) was given third reading by the Board. The document will now be sent to the Province of British Columbia for endorsement before it comes back to the CRD Board for final adoption. To view the proposed document visit us online at and look under the Planning section of the website.

Auditor General for Local Governments

The Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors will be supporting Electoral Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley in her application to be appointed as a member of the Auditor General for Local Government’s Audit Council. If Bill 20 (Auditor General for Local Government Act) is passed, the Province will appoint at least five individuals to the Audit Council for a term up to three years. The Audit Council’s principal responsibilities will be to:

• Recommend to the minister a list of individuals qualified to be appointed as Auditor General for Local Government;
• Recommend to the minister suspension or removal of the Auditor General for Local Government;
• Provide comments on and recommend changes to the Annual Service Plan of the Auditor General for Local Government;
• Provide comments on performance audit reports, the annual report and other reports of the Auditor General for Local Government;
• Consider matters requested by the Auditor General for Local Government; and
• Disseminate information about recommendations made in reports of the Auditor General for Local Government.

NCLGA Executive

The Cariboo Regional District received information about the nomination process for the 2012-2013 North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) Executive. The CRD will be nominating 100 Mile House Director and Mayor Mitch Campsall as President. The Election of Officers for the NCLGA will take place at the AGM and Convention in 100 Mile House which is being jointly co-hosted by the District of 100 Mile House and the CRD May 2-4, 2012 at the South Cariboo Recreation Centre. Further information about the NCLGA is available online at

Lac La Hache Community Works Funds Approved

The Regional District approved an application for up to $18,000 of Community Works Funding from the Lac La Hache Community Club, which owns and operates the Rolf Zeis Memorial Arena. The funding will be used for lighting upgrades and other improvements at the arena. The upgrades will improve the energy efficiency of the building, resulting in improved annual energy savings for the facility.


Community Social Services Awareness Month - March 2012
Pitch-In Canada Week - April 23 to 30, 2012

Next CRD Board Meeting

Friday, March 9, 2012 – 9:30 am

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