Friday, February 17, 2012

CRD Social Planning Function??

On Tuesday - Williams Lake City Council will consider a Committee of the Whole recommendation as follows:

That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #06-2012, the Social Planning Council be invited to present at a future Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Meeting; and further, the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) be encouraged to give consideration to the creation of a Social Planning Function for joint funding of local and regional social development programs.

In regards to the above - some questions that are certain to come forward from CRD Directors' include:

1) Will a CRD Social Planning Function will regional or sub-regional (North, Central or South) in nature?

2) What are the cost implications for taxpayers' - again on a regional or sub-regional basis

3) Are my taxpayers' in favour of this idea at a time where taxpayers' are saying "Do more with less"?

The discussion at the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee will be an interesting one to follow - especially to follow the response from local CRD Directors' Deb Bischoff (Area D), Byron Kemp (Area E), Joan Sorley (Area F), Roger William (Area J) and Chad Mernett (Area K)

At this point - there is no suggested budget amount that a CRD Social Planning Function might have.  This is also not a new idea in BC's 27 Regional Districts' however.  In fact - the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) has such a Function and it has a $50,000 budget with residents in the City of Duncan, District of North Cowichan, Township of Ladysmith and CVRD Electoral Areas A-E and G paying $0.78 per $100,000 of assessed value (residential rate)

Again - taxpayers' might argue with their local elected official (either City of Williams Lake or the Cariboo Regional District) that "a litle here, a little there" and pretty soon I have a $1,000+ tax bill for things I don't use or agree with...

If this goes forward in 2013 - I'm interested in seeing how the CRD Board will be consulting with the public on the possible establishment of a Social Planning Function in the Cariboo Regional District... and the justification to establish a Social Planning Function within the Cariboo Regional District


1 comment:

  1. Governments are constantly nickel and diming us to death for things we don't really need. $.50/100000 here $1/1000 there. Not to bad for most of us who have our one $200000home but how does that relate to big industry here in town where $1/100000 works out to thousands? Sure doesn't make it any easeier or appealing to stay located here does it.
