Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Deer Cull Debate in Invermere....

On Monday - CBC: Daybreak South looked into the issue of a deer cull in Invermere which local residents' banded together to get a temporary court injunction against the District of Inveremere... with Gerry Taft, the Mayor of Inveremere, calling the action of locals as "a subversion of democracy" noting that all candidates who ran for either Mayor or Councillor in the District of Invermere in the last civic election (November of 2011) were all in favour of a deer cull.  In fact, Mayor Taft is concerned that this sort of action may spread to other municipalities in BC where residents' attempt to get a court injunction after a democratically-elected municipal council makes a decision, just because they don't necessarily get the decision they want

See the actual "temporary" court injunction with radio inteviews from both sides here

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