Monday, February 20, 2012

Donna Barnett on Net Zero Mandate...

Earlier today -- the BC Legislature debated Motion #30 as follows:

Be it resolved that this House supports the "net-zero" mandate to control spending in these uncertain economic times and ensure taxes remain low for B.C. families

With the following MLA's taking part in the debate: John Les in moving the motion (Chilliwack), Bruce Ralston (Surrey-Whalley), Jane Thornthwaite (North Van-Seymour), Carole James (Victoria-Beacon Hill), Donna Barnett (Cariboo-Chilcotin), John Horgan (Juan de Fuca) Colin Hansen (Vancouver-Quilchena), Maurine Karagianis (Esquimalt-Royal Roads) and John Rustad (Nechako Lakes)

Here are the comments of Donna Barnett on Motion #30:

Today I stand here in support of the member for Chilliwack (John Les). "Be it resolved that this House supports the 'net zero' mandate to control spending in these uncertain…times and ensure taxes remain low for B.C. families."

Why is it important? It is important because we must keep our triple-A credit rating. We must also take a look around the world and see the soaring debts and deficits in Europe and the United States and see the ramifications of this kind of management.

We must also keep taxes affordable for families — yes, to keep taxes affordable for families. Yes, some families struggle from time to time, as we all do, but over the past 11 years we have seen many jobs created with good financial management in the infrastructure of many projects in this province all across British Columbia.

Our highways are in some of the best conditions I have ever seen them in. We have what we call the Cariboo connector, which has taken British Columbia and made it a safer place to drive. The jobs that it has created in small rural resource communities — it's unbelievable what it has done to help families. The jobs that are created create dollars and cents for families to spend in our stores, in our shops and through income tax. This is why we must keep the mandate as it was proposed in 2010.

We always talk about families and communities. They are what keeps this province vibrant. With good responsible government, we will always have a great climate — a climate that the investment community will continue to come to because that is what creates these jobs for families and for strong, healthy communities.

In 2010 the mandate of government was directed that public sector employees and their bargaining agents to seek settlements with public sector unions for two years with no compensation in areas during that time. Three-quarters of the 182 collective agreements under the 2010 mandate have been successfully renegotiated. I congratulate these public sector employees and their bargaining units.

Today, 20 minutes ago I received information that the B.C. Public School Employers Association board of directors has ratified two-year collective agreements in 11 school districts under government's 2010 net zero mandate.

You know, Madam Speaker, I could speak forever on this issue. But, as I hear always from all levels of politicians, from all political stripes, we have said for years that we must take care of our financial house today and not leave a debt burden on our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. If we all believe this, then we must stand tall and together and make tough decisions, keeping in mind the next generation's future.

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