Monday, February 27, 2012

Future of BC's Carbon Tax

Earlier today - CBC: Daybreak North interviewed Cariboo-North MLA (Ind) Bob Simpson, Hon. Terry Lake (BC Environment Minister) and Todd Wickham (former NDP Candidate & Associate Professor of Chemistry - UNBC) on the future of the Carbon Tax

The interview is 10 mins long and includes debates around impacts of the carbon tax on various parts of the province (impact on residents in Metro Vancouver vs impacts on residents in Rural BC).  Bob Simpson predicted that the Carbon Tax will stay and challenged those (ie: BC Conservatives) who say the Carbon Tax should go and asks Where will the $1 billion to 'ditch' the Carbon Tax come from? In addition, Mr. Wickham challenged the notion that the Carbon Tax is 'revenue neutral' by explaining when the carbon tax costs 'him' more than government, then it should be revenue 'positive' for the provincial government

And I, for one, think Bob Simpson asks the right question.. If those, like BC Conservatives', want to dissolve the Carbon Tax - then they'll have to eventually explain where/how they'll make up the $1 billion in lost revenue

Listen to the full radio interview here

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