Monday, February 27, 2012

Heckling in provincial/federal legislatures

As a matter of political discussion - often you will see government/opposition MLA's and MP's heckling, in good, clean fun but, from time to time, heckling will degenerate into 'shouting matches' and can bring the BC Legislature or the House of Commons into 'disrepute'

Last week, the BC Liberals 'Chief Heckler' (and member of Kamloops-South Thompson) Kevin Krueger came very close to be ejected by BC Legislature's "Deputy Chair - Committee of the Whole" Doug Horne (Coquitlam - Burke Mountain, BC Liberal) after 'pushing the limits' heckling at Ind. MLA for Delta South Vicki Huntingdon and BC NDP MLA for Alberni-Pacific Rim Scott Fraser

Read a blog post on this from BC Conservatives' Kamloops Regional Director Alan Forseth here

For myself - heckling can be good and clean fun, if done in moderation and done appropriately but as last week's case shows - it can make you look bad if done inappropriately  and I hope Kevin Krueger (who I like as a MLA, although not my local MLA) took the time to review his actions of last Thursday and hopefully there'll be changes to how he heckles in the BC Legislature in the future...


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