Monday, February 27, 2012

'New Prosperity' Exploratory Work recommences...

Courtesy of Taseko Mines:

Taseko Mines Limited announces that the temporary injunction preventing the Company from undertaking routine exploration work on the New Prosperity site pending a BC Supreme Court Judicial Review, has been vacated by court order.

On (Tuesday) February 28, 2012 Taseko will commence a reduced scope of work that will be undertaken for the sole purposes of obtaining information required for the Federal environmental assessment of the proposed New Prosperity Project. On this basis, the parties have agreed not to further pursue existing legal actions.

For further information on Taseko, please see the Company's website

Editor's Note - I'm pleased to see all parties come to resolution on this file to do the routine exploratory work for the 'New Prosperity' project.  Now - only if the parties could agree on 'New Prosperity' itself....

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