Monday, February 20, 2012

Upcoming Business at Wednesday's Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting

On Wednesday - the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee whose membership includes all 7 members of Williams Lake City Council plus the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Directors' for Areas D, E, F, J and K will be meeting to discuss several matters - see the full Agenda here

Item #1 - Local Recreation Complex open on Stat Holidays

Deb Radolla - Manager of Active Living will report that the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex, being open on Stat Holidays in 2011, resulted in the following:

Jan 2nd, 2011 - Wrestling Day

Public in attendance = 66 (38 of those Pass Holders)
Expenses = $704 (4 Staff for 4 hours at $44.00 per hour, due to stat pay)
Revenue = $188.72

Net Loss = $515.28

May 23, 2011 - Victoria Day

Public in attendance = 52 (28 of those Pass Holders)
Expenses = $704 (4 Staff for 4 hours at $44.00 per hour, due to stat pay)
Revenue = $187.69

Net Loss = $516.31

August 1st, 2011 = BC Day (Pool closed but Fitness Centre open)

Public in attendance = 10 (9 of those Fitness Pass holders + 1 TRU Student)
Expenses = $528  (3 Staff for 4 hours at $44.00 per hour, due to stat pay)
Revenue = $0

Net Loss = $528

October 10th, 2011 = Thanksgiving Day

Public in attendance = 111 (67 of those Pass Holders)
Expenses = $704 (4 Staff for 4 hours at $44.00 per hour, due to stat pay)
Revenue = $163.83

Net Loss = $540.17

November 11th, 2011 - Remembrance Day

Public in attendance = 120 (28 of those Pass Holders)
Expenses = $704 (4 Staff for 4 hours at $44.00 per hour, due to stat pay)
Revenue = $463.00

Net Loss = $241.00

Grand Total Revenue for all Stat Holidays in 2011 - $1,003.24
Grand Total Expenses for all Stat Holidays in 2011 - $3,344.00

Total Net Loss in 2011 - $2,340.76 or 30% of all expenses earned was covered by revenue

City of WL Staff are seeking direction from the Joint Committee with 3 Options as follows:

Option A - CMRC closed during all Stat Holidays in 2012
Option B - CMRC open on Wrestling Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Remembrance Day only
Option C - CMRC open on all stats holidays as was in 2011

Item #2 - Operating/Project Grants from local Arts/Culture Function:

The local CCACS to recommend to the Joint Committee 15 different groups receive either an operating or project grants, in various amounts between $425 to $3,000.  Total grants to be approved equals $25,000

Item #3 - Pool Task Force Terms of Reference & Membership (including additional member from Junior Council on Pool Task Force:

Geoff Paynton will report to the Joint Committee on a proposed Terms of Reference which includes:

* Co-Chairs for the Pool Task Force to be the appointed CRD Director & City of WL Councillor to the Task Force (currently CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley and WL City Councillor Laurie Walters).  Co-Chairs shall serve as "spokespersons" for the Task Force

* Decisions of the Pool Task Force to be arrived at, via consensus.  If consensus not possible, then objections from individual Task Force members' noted

* Absence of 3 meetings of the Task Force by a member will be reviewed by the Co-Chairs and the Co-Chairs shall report to the Joint Committee and recommend if that member shall continue on the Pool Task Force unless the absence relates to illness or is with consent of the Co-Chairs

* Pool Task Force advises the Joint Committee and has no power to direct City or CRD Staff.  Staff will serve as "technical advisers" to the Task Force

* Request from WL Junior Council to have 2 members' on the Pool Task Force

Editor's Note - given the above - I was forced to resign from the Task Force as I could no longer support the direction of the Joint Committee for the Pool Task Force as many of these issues should have been resolved last Fall when the Pool Task Force was set up and I feel quite strongly that we are moving away from the direction for the Pool that WL City Councillor Surinderpal Rathor challenged us, as a community to - make the revitalization of the Sam Ketcham Pool a "community" project and not a "political" project.  In addition - many mechanics of the Pool Task Force are ones that I can not support - like the local Rec Advisory Committee, I believe it is important that the Chair of the Pool Task Force is a community member and not the local politicians to ensure the perception that it is the community that is driving this project and not politicians

Other issues to come before the Central Cariboo Joint Committee:

a) Request for Support to NDI Trust for a Community Kitchen - Xeni Gwet'in First Nations (CRD Area 'J')

b) Update on the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay
c) Invitation to bid on 2016/2018 BC Summer/Winter Games

Editor's Note - On Item 'C', if Pool Task Force was renamed to the "CMRC Renewal Task Force" so we can talk about investing in the entire Complex, then it would make it easier to acquire the necessary recreation infrastructure in place in order to place a successful bid for the 2016 or 2018 BC Summer or Winter Games by way of discussions with Ottawa/Victoria.  Failure to do so means, in my opinion, we shouldn't bother bidding for these two BC Games.

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