Thursday, February 16, 2012

Video: Donna Barnett on Auditor-General for Local Gov't

Earlier this week - I made mention of the comments from Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett regarding her support for the position of Auditor-General for Local Government.  See that blog post here

Meanwhile - MLA Barnett has taken to YouTube in a 50 second video outlining her support for the Auditor-General for Local Government.  See the video below:

Contrary to MLA Barnett's claim - I, as a voter/resident in Cariboo-Chilcotin, am not exactly in 100% support of this position given how it was rolled out to local governments including the survey that was forwarded to local governments with "leading" questions like What should be the role of a Muncipal Auditor-General? 

In addition - I find it at the "height of hypocrisy" that Victoria refuses to bring in legislation prohibiting one from running for local office if they don't reside in the local government boundaries unless it comes forward from the Union of BC Municipalities yet they'll quickly enact legislation for an Auditor-General for Local Government, when this position has not been previously requested by the Union of BC Municipalities...

Just saying...


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