Thursday, February 23, 2012

WL City Hall to get a Dropbox??

On January 25th - I wrote WL City Councillor Geoff Bourdon, in his capacity as Chair of WL Council's General Governance Committee recommending that certain changes be made to the Council Procedure Bylaw/Council Agenda & that Council give consideration to installing a "Dropbox" to allow members of the public to drop off utility & property tax payments and other important documents so they are secured in a safe area, after office hours - read the full letter here

Meanwhile - I have a response from the City of Williams Lake, dated Feb 23rd, as follows:

The General Governance Committee met on January 31st to consider your letter which resulted in the following:

"That the letter from Steve Forseth dated January 25th, 2012 regarding his suggested changes for consideration during Council's 2011-2014 Strategic Plan Process be received and referred to future reviews of the Council Procedure Bylaw"

Please note that your recommendation on page two of your letter regarding a 'Dropbox' for City Hall has been referred to Pat Higgins, Director of Financial Services, for her investigation. If you have any questions in this regard, do not hesitate to contact the undersigned (C. Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services) at (250) - 392-1773


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