Tuesday, March 13, 2012

BC Conservatives: Bill 22 should have passed sooner

Courtesy of the BC Conservatives:

The Liberal government is imposing closure on Bill 22 on Thursday. This would end debate in the legislature on the bill that would end the Teachers’ job action and impose a “cooling off” period.

“Ending debate on this bill to force the teachers back to work a week after the teachers’ strike is over is like shutting the barn door after the horse has fled,” said John Cummins, Leader of British Columbia’s Conservatives. “Why is the Liberal government in such a hurry to end debate after students and parents were inconvenienced by a strike last week? When will the Liberals stop playing political games with education and put students and parents first? If they are willing to impose closure they should have done it ten days ago before the teachers walked out of the classroom.”

With the strike so close to spring break students will be out of school for essentially three weeks. This can have a negative impact on Grade 12’s as well as the youngest students. The timing of the strike was irresponsible, and the Liberals were irresponsible not to stop it by passing Bill 22 earlier.”

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