Tuesday, March 6, 2012

BC Government to seek injunction from LRB (updated)

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

“The B.C. Teachers Federation has mounted an illegal picket line outside several government buildings in Victoria and is encouraging unionized staff not to enter their workplaces.

“In government’s view, this strike activity is illegal, and we will seek an injunction from the Labour Relations Board confirming our position today.

“We are encouraging all staff to come to work as normal. Managers are available to help staff enter the building if they feel intimidated by these disruptive tactics. However, normal pay policy applies, and staff who do not come to work will not be paid for the day.

“We are monitoring the situation closely to ensure that public service staff are not harassed or mistreated.”

Update at 5:30pm, Tues March 6th:

See ruling of BC Labour Relations Board on above here.

Update at 5:40pm, Tuesday March 6th (from Gov't of BC):

“I understand this morning’s picketing – which we consider to be illegal strike activity – has ceased, and the unions involved have committed to the Labour Relations Board and government that there will be no further picketing.

“At this time the board is holding government’s application in abeyance.

“If any future picketing occurs related to the BCTF negotiations, we will immediately take up the hearing with the board to pursue our application.

“We respect the right of the BCTF to demonstrate, but illegal strike action must not be allowed to bar public servants from being able to go to work and serve the taxpayers and public.”

Meanwhile, see below for "Raw" video of BCTF President Susan Lambert speaking today to crowd (est 5-6,000) at BC Legislature and see a story on today's "Rally at the Legislature" here

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