Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bill 22 is now law...

Earlier today at 4:58pm - the BC Legislature gave 3rd and Final reading to Bill 22 - Education Improvement Act by a vote of 43 - 31.

Before that - the NDP put forward two amendments to Bill 22 in Committee of the Whole and the BC Liberals, using their majority, blocked both amendments

The first amendment, proposed yesterday by Skeena NDP MLA Robin Austin, to Section 6 of Bill 22 was defeated

The second amendment, proposed earlier today by Skeena NDP MLA Robin Austin to Section 15 of Bill 22 was also defeated however an amendment by Education Minister George Abbott to Section 26 to allow Sections 1-6 of Bill 22 to be proclaimed on Saturday was adopted by the BC Legislature

NDP Amendment #1 to Bill 22- 

An independent mediator must be appointed in accordance with section 74 of the Labour Relations Code to assist the parties in settling the terms and conditions of a new collective agreement in accordance with this section.
(2) The terms of reference for the mediator are as follows:

(c) the new collective agreement is to include any measures which may enable high-quality teaching and learning, including but not limited to
(i) effective feedback and evaluation of teachers to promote improvement,
(ii) alignment of professional development with teaching needs, and
(iii) scheduling and selection of teachers suited to student needs;]

NDP Amendment #2 to Bill 22  - [15 Sections 76.2 and 76.4 to 76.7 are repealed and further section 76.3 is amended by repealing subsection (8)(a)(i).]

Bill 22 has now received Royal Assent by the Provincial Administrator (Chief Justice Lance Finch)

See media articles on this item here/here & here
See a press release from the Government of BC here

Before the House took its' 10 day Spring Break Recess - NDP Opposition House Leader/MLA for Juan de Fuca John Horgan asked for leave to move 2nd Reading of Bill M208 - Private Career Training Institutions Amendment Act, 2011 as proposed by Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall but the BC Liberals denied leave

Accordingly - the BC NDP forced a recorded vote on the motion of "That this House do now adjourn" which passed by a vote of 45 - 29 (all BC Liberals/Independent MLA's for vs BC NDP MLA's against)

The BC Legislature will resume sitting on Monday, March 26th at 10:00am

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